

Wednesday 15 December 2021

Blogger problem solved!

Thanks to an email from Alex K, one of my regular blog readers and a fellow long-time member of Wargame Developments, I can now use my iPad to write comments on other's blogs and reoly to comments on my own.

The answer was a simple one. When the latest Apple OS update had been installed, it had automatically changed one setting on Safari. All I needed to do was to change it back ... and everything returned to the way it had worked previously.

If anyone else has had this problem, the solution that worked for me is as follows:

Go to Safari > Go to Settings > Go to Privacy > Uncheck the option 'Prevent cross-site tracking'


  1. BOB,
    Glad you have solved the computer problem and now can comment on blogs and reply. I know how to use my computer- though if something goes wrong beyond my know-how I phone my IT costs a bit- though it is the only way for me to get on track again. Stay well and safe there- hope the episode of SAD passes and your back to your old self soon. Cheers. KEV.

    1. Kev Robertson (Kev),

      I have a basic understanding of how computers operate and can cope with most problems that arise. This one was something that I hadn’t come across before, and a trawl of the internet didn’t come up with a solution.

      I’m feeling a bit better today, and hopefully a bit of exercise and some vitamin supplements will help me feel better.

      Keep safe and keep well,


  2. At least they opted to protect your data and privacy. I use Firefox for the bulk of my laptop browsing and it's astonishing how much it blocks in terms of cross site tracking.
    Thousands of attemps!
    But it's necessary for some sites to operate and Firefox lets me customize the settings depending on the page.
    That is the nice thing about Apple, they take customer security and privacy more seriously.

    1. Mr. Pavone,

      I think that protecting their clients is important to Apple, especially in the current climate when big tech companies are under attack for not doing so. The changes I needed to make should not have too much impact upon my privacy and security … but at least I can reverse the change should the need arise.

      All the best,


  3. Hi Bob

    Glad that you have sorted out your IT problems.

    I am relatively competent as an IT user, but find it very frustrating when things go wrong. It always seems that the problem is not covered by online forums. My "keyword" never seems to be available when I search.

    A bit like modern cars. Great when they are working, but impossible when they go wrong. A few years ago my relatively new car was off the road for two months because the computer stopped working and there were no replacement ones throughout Europe!

    We are so used to technology working when we need it that we sometimes fail to comprehend just how much we need it.

    Glad that all is well now



    1. Jan Leniston (Paul),

      From my experience of accessing forums for advice, some are very helpful and some are not. The best can be very helpful, but the worst seem to be populated by rude know-alls whose basic response to questions is akin to ‘Surely even the least experienced user knows something that basic!’

      My first car was an Austin A40 Farina, and I used to be able to do most of the basic maintenance on it using a simple set of tools. I now own a Lexus CT200h … and other than checking how much water there is in the windscreen washers and cooling system, and the engine oil level and tyre pressures, I have to leave everything to our mechanic. Under the bonnet there seem to be numerous little black bowes whose functions I can only guess at!

      I suspect that we are members of that generation whose reliance on technology is less than that of the millennials. During our recent power cut, Sue and I got our torches out of the cupboard in the hall and lit candles that we keep - along with a box of matches - in one of the kitchen cupboards. Some of our neighbours were less well prepared, and I understand that they ended up sitting in the dark, trying to watch TV on their smart phones … until they ran our of battery power!

      Keep safe and keep well,


  4. I’ve just un-checked that box, let’s see if it worked...

    1. Myibcubliss,

      It worked for me, and I hope that it works for you.

      All the best,


  5. Thanks for the tip Bob, fingers crossed it works. Many thanks for your posts over the years and season’s greetings from North Shropshire. Best regards Airhead.

    1. Airhead,

      I hope that it works as well for you as it has for me.

      Thanks for your kind comment about my blog … and I hope you will continue to visit my blog and enjoy my ramblings.

      All the best,



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