

Monday 6 December 2021

Problems with Blogger?

I seem to be experiencing a few minor but irritating problems with Blogger.

I can write blog posts and respond to comments on my PC, but my iPad will only allow me to do the former at present. As I tend to write blog posts on my PC and respond to comments using my iPad, this situation is a bit of a nuisance. I think that this might be due to the latest ‘update’ to the iPad operating system … but I cannot verify that, and none of the settings seem to have changed.

Is anyone else experiencing this, or is it just me?


  1. I know some of my followers struggle to post comments when via iPads or similar Apple products. A bit hit or miss really at present.

    1. Steve J.,

      As I can reply using my Windows 11 PC but not on my iPad or iPhone, I suspect that it is an Apple OS related problem.

      All the best,


  2. probably unrelated, but a couple of months ago my phone simply stopped sending photos ... "sending, failed, try later" sort of thing. Took it to the vodafone shop in frustration.. Sim card was too old to keep up with the latest upgrades, simple swapout fixed it at no cost.

    1. Scarlet,

      The constant stream of updates seem to cause more problems that they ever appear to solve … and I would have thought that you wouldn’t need to change your SIM card because it couldn’t cope with recent upgrades.

      All the best,


    2. Bob,
      I had to change my SIM card because it wouldn't cope with upgrades; I also had to change my phone because my old one (simply a phone, not a pocket computer, price £3.50 from Carphone Warehouse so I was never worried about losing it and no one would want to steal it!) couldn't accept the new SIM card...
      Best wishes,

    3. Bob,
      I think that everybody (or just older SIMs?) with a Virgin Media phone service recently had to change their SIMs due to a system update - which was odd as their service runs on EE's infrastructure and I don't think EE customers had to do this. Anyway, this "SIM is out of date" thingee is clearly more common than I had realised.
      As for Blogger, I sometimes comment on my PC and sometimes on an Android tablet. Never had any problems so I go with the blame Apple explanation, though commenting and editing the comment in a tiny window on the tablet is a bind. WordPress is much easier,
      Best Wishes,

    4. Arthur1815 (Arthur),

      We upgrade our smartphones every couple of years, which is probably why I haven't needed to change my SIM card. I also have a cheap 'no problem if it gets lost' PAYG phone for when I go up to central London. People can steal it if they want to ... but as I only have a maximum 0f £10.00 credit on it at any one time, it's hardly going to make the thief lots of cash if they try to sell it on.

      All the best,


    5. Mike Hall,

      The mention of Virgin send a bit of a shiver down my spine! They provide us with our cable internet connection as they 'inherited' us when they took over the former service provider. They are not very good ... but we are stuck with them as the cabling that they own cannot be used by BT ... which means that changing provider requires new cables to be laid. (I won't go into the reason why, but it dates back to the early days of cabling installation.)

      I am currently using my PC to reply to you comment ... and I am having no problems at all. I did try to use my iPad and iPhone, but although they allow me to access my blog and to write blog posts, they will not allow me to make replies to comments or to make comments on other blogs. As this 'change' only took place after a very recent 'upgrade', everything points to it being caused by changes to the Apple iPad and iPhone OS.

      All the best,


      PS. I did consider switching to WordPress, but I don't like some of the inbuilt features.

  3. Hi.. I have never been able to use the ipad to do anything with Blogger so I only use the laptop. I know other people in the same situation. I guess ipads and Blogger are not compatible for some weird techy reason that's beyond mere mortals like me to understand. Regards

    1. Tony Adams,

      I am sure that you are right and that its cause is a technological incompatibility problem. No doubt some bright spark will come up with a 'patch' to solve it ... and that it will also generate a range of new problems!

      All the best,


  4. Hi Bob. I have no issues with commenting from PC, iPad, or iPhone. I do know some who do have issues with commenting. I wonder if it is a Google account issue?

    1. Jonathan Frietag,

      I have gone through my Google account settings to check that the problem doesn't lie there, but I could not see any changes that might have caused this problem.

      All the best,


  5. Bob, try a bit of lateral thinking.

    Switch off your PC and IPAD. Restart your Router/Hub.
    Switch on your IPAD and do your Blogger activities. If they work then the problem is in your Router/IPAD setup. If it doesn't work then it, surely, an IPAD problem.
    Switch on your PC and do your Blogger activities. I expect they will work fine.

    Let me know how you get on.

    1. Jim Duncan,

      Thanks for the suggestions. I have tried them, but they don't seem to have improved or changed the situation. The iPad and iPhone are not allowing me the sort of access to my blog that my PC does, so I am of the opinion that the problem is with the Apple OS.

      All the best,


  6. Blogger is all over the place in recent years - trying to post on the iPad is nigh-impossible, so I have to use my iPhone; comments it varies which browser I can use seemingly from blog to blog and day to day! Generally if it’s having a funny five minutes and won’t let me comment, I can in Chrome...

    1. Myincubliss,

      Blogger seems to have days when things just don't work, regardless of the device I am using or the browser I have selected. I sometimes despair of the apparent desire of software companies to change things that are not broken in the name of 'improvement'. It isn't much of an improvement when something that used to work doesn't do so now!

      All the best,


  7. These days I typically read and comment from my iPhone. Until recently if I want to read a post in my reading list I just gently tapped the post I want to read, and hey presto it opened. Just lately with blogger I’ve had press deeper in order to get the post to pop open. This doesn’t happen with other social media I frequent, so I don’t think it is a problem with my device. Maybe something to do with recent upgrades to the iOS operating system.

    For quite a long time I’ve often had to press the back arrow then copy a comment, close down Blogger, re-open it and re-paste the comment. Whether from my iPhone or Mac. I did start using Firefox at one point but it takes so long to open I gave up on it.

    1. Nundanket,

      It sounds as if you are on the same slippery slop that I am on, but at a different point! I have tried writing my replies in Notes on my iPad and copying and pasting them into Blogger ... but when I press 'Publish', everything disappears and I have no reply in the box to publish. I try again, and the problem just repeats itself!

      I'm sticking to just using my PC for now in the hope that Apple will sort the OS problem out.

      All the best,


  8. Hi Bob, I have noticed a few other bloggers mentioning issues with Blogger again recently...I have not had any but others have had issues loading pictures etc. They probably made some change to something that's made certain OS incompatible or something equally irritating, all in the name of improvement!

    1. Rross,

      There are times when I feel like I am trying to use a Betamax tape in a VHS machine! (I am assuming that you are old enough to understand my reference!) I am told that everything will work, but it patently doesn't ... and all I get in response from the so-called 'technical support' is the equivalent of an online shrug of the shoulders!

      No doubt it will sort itself out in the end!

      All the best,


  9. I'm finding it just slow to react - took over a minute from opening before I could type this in. Gmail generally seems to be very slow these days - getting to be a real pain.

    1. Rob Young,

      I’ve not noticed it being slower than normal … and my gmail is working no worse than usual.

      All the best,



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