

Tuesday 1 February 2022

The Stalbanian-Khakistan War: The second battle of the campaign ... and what happened as a result

The Khakistanis – who deployed four infantry units and an artillery unit – occupied a position that had a wood on their right flank, and the Stalbanians – whose force comprised three infantry units, an artillery unit, and a machinegun unit – advanced towards them.

Please click on the image to enlarge it.

Battle Turn 1

Both sides threw a D6 die to see how many units they could activate this turn. The Stalbanians – who were the attackers during the first turn – threw 3 and the Khakistanis threw 6.

The Stalbanian machine gun unit fired at the Khakistani infantry opposite them and hit them twice, causing the loss of 1 SP and a forced withdrawal.

The Stalbanian artillery then fired at the Khakistani artillery ... and missed!

The Stalbanian infantry on the right flank advanced and engaged the Khakistani infantry opposite them in Close Combat ... which was inconclusive.

Please click on the image to enlarge it.

In response, the Khakistani infantry that had been forced to fall back returned to the battlefield. They were able to support the other Khakistani infantry unit when it fought a Close Combat with the attacking Stalbanian infantry, but the fighting was inconclusive.

The Khakistani artillery fired at the Stalbanian artillery, hitting it a causing it to lose 1 SP.

The two Khakistani infantry unit on their right flank advanced and engage the Stalbanian artillery in Close Combat, but the fighting was inconclusive.

Battle Turn 2

Both sides threw a D6 die to see which of them would be the attacker and how many units they could activate. The Stalbanians threw 1 (and were the defenders) and the Khakistanis threw 2 (and were the attackers).

The Khakistani infantry continued to engage the Stalbanian artillery in Close Combat, with the result that the artillery unit was overrun and destroyed.

The Khakistani artillery then fired at and hit the Stalbanian infantry directly in front of them, causing the loss of 1 SP.

The remaining Close Combat continued, but neither side inflicted any casualties on the other.

Please click on the image to enlarge it.

The Stalbanian infantry in the centre advanced and engaged the Khakistani artillery in Close Combat, and caused the loss of 1 SP.

The Close Combat on the Stalbanian left flank continued, and the Stalbanian infantry lost 1 SP.

On the Stalbanian right flank the Close Combat was inconclusive.

Please click on the image to enlarge it.

Battle Turn 3

Both sides threw a D6 die to see which of them would be the attacker and how many units they could activate. The Stalbanians threw 3 (and were the defenders) and the Khakistanis threw 5 (and were the attackers).

On the Khakistani left flank the ongoing Close Combat resulted in the Stalbanian infantry losing 1 SP.

In the centre the fighting between the Khakistani artillery and Stalbanian infantry was inconclusive ...

... and on the Khakistani right flank their infantry unit lost 1 SP as a result of the continuing Close Combat.

Please click on the image to enlarge it.

On the Stalbanian left flank the Close Combat resulted in the destruction of the Stalbanian infantry. This allowed the Khakistanis to follow up on their attack and to reach the Stalbanian starting line, winning them the battle if the Stalbanians were unable to throw them back.

Unfortunately, the Stalbanian infantry in the centre were already in Close Combat with the Khakistani artillery, which they destroyed. Luckily for the Khakistani General, he was able to escape uninjured.

On the Stalbanian right flank, the Stalbanian infantry unit was destroyed in Close Combat with the Khakistani infantry.

Please click on the image to enlarge it.

At this point it was obvious that the Khakistanis had won, and quite decisively. The Stalbanians had lost 7 SPs and the Khakistanis had lost 4 SPs

This significant Khakistani victory had an immediate effect on the campaign, and the Khakistanis immediately moved to the end of the green arrow that runs away from the Battle box.

Please click on the map to enlarge it.

Turn 6

Both sides threw a D6 die. The Khakistanis threw a 1, which took them to the 'Good news from home home' box and then up the blue arrow. The Stalbanians threw a 2, and they moved along the map two boxes.

Please click on the map to enlarge it.

Turn 7

Both sides threw a D6 die. The Khakistanis threw a 5, which took them to the final Battle box. The Stalbanians threw a 2, which took them to the 'Enthusiastic support from home' box and up the blue arrow.

Please click on the map to enlarge it.

The stage was now set for the final battle of the campaign!


  1. Great report Bob. Did you find the battle with 5 units more rewarding than the 3 unit game? And did you continue with 2SP per unit?

    1. Maudlin Jack Tar,

      Cheers! I felt that the game was better with 5 units on each side as it gave the player(s) more options. I stuck with each unit having 2 SPs each, and will stick with that until the end of the campaign.

      All the best,


  2. Thanks for the clear battle report! Very useful for my next go.

    I guess what I'm most curious about re the Snakes and Ladders map is whether the Stalbanians get any sort of bonus in this final battle for that "enthusiastic support from home." It seems like one side can hop all over the board and leave the other behind. Perhaps it's my RPG background but I'd probably be roleplaying the results and providing new units, taking away supplies, etc and feeding that into the battles.

    1. Jennifer,

      This was my first attempt using the Snakes & Ladders Campaign System and the ‘events’ on the map were made up at the last minute.

      If I use it again - which I think is very likely - I’d probably make the events change an army’s situation for the good or bad. For example, ‘Enthusiastic support from home’ adds 1 to any D6 die score for how many units a side can activate.

      All the best,


    2. That's a very nice idea. An in-built bonus (or penalty) system would add a bit of tension to the Snakes and Ladders moves!

    3. Maudlin Jack Tar,

      Like so many things, once you begin to use the campaign system you begin to see ways in which it can be improved. Incorporating bonuses and penalties is one such improvement.

      All the best,



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