

Wednesday 9 March 2022

Other people’s Portable Wargames: Battle in a box

Enthusiasm for the FAST PLAY 3 x 3 PORTABLE WARGAME (FP3X3PW) continues to grow, and recently Ion Dowman (AKA Archduke Piccolo) has been working on a campaign involving the Byzantines, Bulgars, Pechenegs, and Abasgians, has just fought the first battle.

He set up his terrain board in a box, the sides of which were painted to act as a background. The resulting battle looked very impressive …

… and the battle report was very interesting to read.

Please note that the photographs featured above are © Ion Dowman.


  1. That's a wonderful set-up! Thanks for sharing this on Blogger Bob

    1. Maudlin Jack Tar,

      When I saw Ion’s setup, my first reaction was ‘I want to make something similar!’

      All the best,


  2. Replies
    1. Brent,

      Like a lot of the best ideas, it is simple but very effective.

      All the best,


  3. After looking at the 3x3 PWG for so long I now know what it reminds me of. They put out a Star Wars CCG that used pocket models (little models you build from plastic card) to represent your units. You had a reserve area where you could hide units and keep them safe but they couldn't fight either. There was a staging zone where units could prepare and engage then there was the center battlefield where the action took place. The 3x3 with reserve area looks very similar.
    Without being able to read the rules I've been wondering what kind of tactical or strategic choices one could make but now it makes sense if my observation is true.
    Regardless, I can't wait to read the rules in print soon.
    This is the first situation in 5 years to make me actually consider returning Facebook.

    1. Mr. Pavone,

      Not being a player of games like 'Star Wars' CCCG, I must admit that I had not seen the similarities with FP3x3PW.

      I hope to have the PW Compendium ready at sometime in the next month or so, but as I am dependent upon contributors to get their text etc., to me in time for me to check it, create any images I need, do the layout, and proofread it, that deadline might slip somewhat.

      All the best,


  4. There was an article in White Dwarf back in the day about converting their Lord of the Rings starter set (Mines of Moria) to fit in the box. I bought it with the thought of doing this, but never got around to it. Might try it now.

    1. Jennifer,

      It sounds like an interesting idea. Why don’t you give it a go?

      All the best,


  5. Bob,
    The background creates a very pleasing effect, but may cause problems when trying to bring on a flanking force as suggested in the piece I sent you for the Compendium. Perhaps a 'margin' down both sides, similar to the Reserve Area at the rear of each army, would be a simple solution?
    Best wishes,

    1. Arthur1815 (Arthur),

      I think that the flank area would be an ideal addition to the whole FP3x3PW. In fact, if I used a 5 x 5 grid, but only used the central 3 x 3 area for the fighting. That would give both sides a Reserved Area and a left and right-hand flank area.

      Thanks for this great idea!

      All the best,


    2. I also addressed flank attacks on a follow on post to the original 3x3 rules. I'm thinking that if both sides are attempting a flank march to the same side of the battlefield the units involved would fight a combat against each other with the loser being the first unit to take a hit wether it takes casualties or is forced to retreat. It would then arrive in its army's reserve area on the next turn and the winner would then get to make a flank attack on its next turn. If both units take hits both flank marches would fail.

    3. Mark Cordone,

      This is an interesting way to solve the problem of flank marches on the same side of the battlefield, and is worth exploring in greater detail.

      All the best,


  6. Bob -
    I'm surprised how much interest this little idea generated. I think if I wanted to add flank marches, I might have to get a bigger box lid. This one is just very slightly larger than A4.

    The blog write-up hit a little bit of a snag, when I tried to upload 24-odd pics in one hit. Of course they downloaded onto the page in reverse order. Tedious job trying to sort out the mess.

    Meanwhile, I haven't decided upon how I'm to do the 3 vs 1 campaign - on the 3x3, Memoir '44 or my 'big' board as 'standard' PW. I'll probably 'do' a couple of battles with each and then make the decision.


    1. Archduke Piccolo (Ion),

      I think that I’m less surprised than you are. Your setup looks so attractive that it’s little wonder that people are impressed by it.

      I hate it when Blogger decides to put the photos in the wrong order. Luckily it doesn’t happen often, but when it does it is extremely annoying … and time consuming to sort out.

      Whichever option you choose, I’m sure that you’ll enjoy it … and we’ll all enjoy reading your battle reports.

      All the best,



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