

Saturday 12 March 2022

The slow road to recovery

As regular readers will have noticed, I have not returned to my normal schedule of writing daily blog posts. The reason is quite simple; both Sue and I seem to be taking longer than expected to recover from COVID (and which a medical professional tells us might be an instance of mild long COVID), and I am having to undergo a number of medical tests related to the aftereffects of my operation in December 2020.

The operation left me with a minor problem, but it was expected that it would clear up as I recovered. Unfortunately, it has not. In fact, it has got worse over the last few months and my GP has instigated a programme of tests that should identify the cause of the problem. So far, they have been able to rule out diabetes, but there are a range of other possible reasons why I have not returned to 100% fitness.

As regular readers can no doubt understand, my mind is somewhat distracted by my health problems at the moment. Once the situation becomes clearer and whatever treatment that is needed is identified and put in place, I fully expect to return to my regime of writing daily blog posts. In the meantime, I will blog as often as I can.


  1. Hi Bob

    Sorry to hear that your health problems are still dragging on. After such a long and depressing period with covid and now Ukraine, this is the last thing you need.

    It might not seem like it, but you are fortunate to have your blog and such a wide range of interests. Combined they will help you to avoid thinking too much about your health. I found it so when I had a serious illness some time ago. Morale, as they say, is all important - and not just in wargaming.

    All we can do is take one day at a time, but hopefully each one will be a little better than the last. Its easy to forget how lucky we really are, and to let the darkness take over.

    Hope to see you back to full health in the near future


    1. Paul Leniston (Paul),

      Cheers! I must admit that there was a time in my life when everything that is happening would have brought on a bout of depression, but I’ve learned to accept life’s tribulations and to give thanks for what I have, and not to worry about things over which I have no control.

      You are right about the fact that having something to occupy one’s mind helps both to keep one’s spirits up and to prevent one from thinking too much about one’s problems. For example, trying to put together the PW Compendium is certainly helping me to think about something positive, especially as I have set myself the provisional deadline of the end of April to get it completed.

      Thanks for your kind and supportive comments.

      All the best,


  2. Replies
    1. Jim Duncan,

      I’m digging in … whenever I have the energy to!

      All the best,


  3. Sorry to hear your not feeling yourself , hope you get things sorted soon , Tony

    1. The Good Soldier Svjek (Tony),

      Cheers! We are both hoping that we will be feeling better sooner rather than later.

      All the best,


  4. Replies
    1. Donjondo,

      Cheers! Thanks for your best wishes.

      All the best,


  5. It can be a long frustrating road Bob, but there are a score of cliches to keep us going, many of which I've found to be annoyingly valid. :)

    Keep plugging away!

    1. Ross Mac,

      Cheers! Since my brush with COVID I have - as the saying goes - certainly been feeling my age. It’s the fatigue and brain fog that are the worst things that I have to live with at present … but I hope that my health will begin to improve over the next week or so.

      All the best,


  6. Good luck with the tests Bob and I hope they identify the issue to do with your previous op. Just take it easy and do what you can as and when you feel up to it.

    1. Steve J.,

      Thanks for your best wishes. At least my most recent test confirms that I haven’t got diabetes, which might have been one of the causes.

      All the best,


  7. At the start of lockdown, so my Chemo/ radiotherapy for cancer started! Two years on, except for a few lymph nodes very rudely being scooped out, all is well. Because of the location of the cancer and effects of treatment I was happier standing up in the shed than sitting for long periods. It also meant I managed to finish a load of larger projects, terrain and rebasing a thousand odd 28mm ECW chaps! Anything to do with the big C is a worry but support from my wife and my hobby helped me get through it!

    1. Nick,

      I’m pleased that your chemo/radiotherapy has worked.

      My problem seems to be bladder-related, and I understand that it is not an uncommon complication when a colostomy is performed. It normally clears itself up as you recover after the operation, but mine hasn’t.

      It sounds as if you turned you problem into a bonus. I wish that I had the same motivation at the moment.

      All the best,


    2. I found the during my cancer days both before and after my surgery and especially the recovery period was made bearable by support from family and friends.

      Support from the family was a given but the support from hobby friends especially those online was paramount in getting over the tough days.

    3. Jim Duncan,

      Very, very true! My wife has been immensely supportive throughout our marriage, even when I haven’t necessarily deserved it. I’ve also had lots of support from my Masonic and wargaming friends … and it is difficult to put into words how it has helped me come to terms with the problems I have had to deal with over the past couple of years.

      All the best,


  8. Best wishes Bob for a speedy recovery and hope that everything gets sorted out. Glad the old Black Dog is keeping at bay at least. Sometimes it's the small things that can help isn't it, this morning running my wife to work I noticed all the crocuses springing up through the grass, cheered me right up :)

    1. ‘Lee,

      Cheers! I must admit that I’m surprised that the old Black Dog hasn’t paid me a visit … but very grateful that it hasn’t!

      I was able to spend a bit of time in the fresh air today … and it’s amazing how much that short break outside helped to raise my spirits.

      All the best,


  9. I'm sorry to hear your still not fully recovered. Hopefully they will get to the bottom of it soon. I'm praying for a speedy recovery for both of you.

    1. Mark Cordone,

      Thanks for your kind words. Judging by the number of tests that have been lined up for me over the next few weeks, they should have some idea what is causing my problem in the near future.

      All the best,


  10. I guess there's something to be said that at least seeking medical attention is a bit easier than it was when everything was locked down. Fingers crossed that that remains the case and that you and Sue begin to feel yourselves again.

    1. Ed M,

      I have yet to see my GP face-to-face (we have spoken on the phone several times and communicated by email), but I’ve seen quite a few nurse practitioners and medical technicians recently.

      As COVID infections are on the rise again in our area, I suspect that I won’t be seeing much of my GP in the near future!

      All the best,


  11. Wishing you all the best for as speedy a recovery as possible Bob.

    1. Maudlin Jack Tar,

      Cheers! I hope that I’ll get over the remnants of COVID by the end of the month and I can then concentrate on getting my other medical problem sorted out.

      All the best,


  12. All the best Bob, we need you at 100%. Keep fighting!

    1. Slorm,

      Cheers! I’ll certain keep on fighting … although I am finding it a bit tiring at times!

      All he best,


  13. Bob -
    Life's full of brickbats and bombshells, but you'd think it would ease up on the brickbats, eh? Just now and then? I guess when the going gets tough all you can do is hang tough and hope for the best.
    We're with you!

    1. Archduke Piccolo (Ion),

      It would be nice if life dished up something a bit more positive, but at least my most recent problems look as if they will be solved, albeit not very quickly! In the meantime, I have the support of my wife and my friends to help me cops.

      All the best,


  14. Take care of yourself and don't worry about the blog. Although sometimes a distraction like blogging can be helpful, as long as it's not a burden. Best wishes to you and Sue both!

    1. Fitz-Badger,

      Thanks for your best wishes. They are greatly appreciated.

      There have been times when blogging has helped me to cope with life's ups and downs, but when your brain doesn't seem to function as well as it normally does (its called brain fog in the COVID-19 symptoms), trying to blog can be difficult. You know what you want to write, but somehow it doesn't seem to appear on screen in quite the way you intended.

      All the best,


  15. BOB,
    Hope you will be on the road again to full recovery soon with the help of your Doctors- have been thinking of you and Sue and hoping for the best outcome- Best Wishes. KEV.

    1. Kev Robertson (Kev),

      I hope that the tests will help to identify what is wrong with me. The problem seems to be that my symptoms tick the boxes for several different medical conditions, and it is a matter of elimination in order to ensure that I get the right treatment.

      All the best,


  16. Hope your journey back to health goes smoothly from here Bob.

    1. Tradgardmastare,

      So do I! The sooner they know what is causing the problem, the better!

      All the best,


  17. Sorry to hear that the road to recovery is proving longer than hoped. Take it steady, eat chips and don't overdo it too much.

    Regards, Chris and Suzanne.

    1. Chris and Suzanne,

      Thanks for your kind words. COVID has rather knocked both of us back, and in my case, it has come whilst I am having other health problems that seem to be related to the surgery I had back in December 2020. I am currently undergoing a series of tests which I hope will discover the cause of my problems. So far they have ruled out diabetes, and now they are looking at whether my prostate may be the cause. Hopefully they’ll find out what is wrong with me, and then I can undergo the treatment that will help me to get better.

      All the best,



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