

Thursday 9 June 2022

What next?

Whilst I am waiting to recover from my recent prostate operation, I have a period of a couple of weeks when I have to take things relatively easy. I’m therefore working on a couple of small projects that I can do from the comfort of a chair in our home office or my toy/wargame room.

I have a large collection of 15mm Sudanese War figures that are currently not quite compatible with my newer Belle Époque armies. I have therefore begun removing some of the figures from their current bases so that they can be renovated, varnished, and rebased. I chose to start with the Hadendowa figures, and they are going to become a small tribal army whose elements can fight each other in a series of civil wars or can fight on their own or with allies against any potential ‘Frankish’* invaders.

I’m not quite sure what name this new army will fight under, but I am inclined to call them the Wuzzian tribal army.

* During the Medieval Crusades, the Muslims referred to Europeans as 'Franks' and Western/Latinate Europe as 'Frangistan' ('the land of the Franks'). 'Frangistan' is derived from Persian, 'Farang' being the Persian form of 'Frank' plus the suffix '-istan' meaning 'land of'.


  1. BOB,
    Take things easy there friend whilst you recover- looking forward to seeing the re-furbished 15mm Armies. It is mighty cold here as we have had snow to the north and south of us- the wind here is very sharp and makes things feel colder than ever. Best Wishes. KEV.

    1. Kev Robertson (Kev),

      Projects like this are ideal ‘sitting down’ ones, and it doesn’t involve the need for high levels of concentration etc. Furthermore, I can do it as and when I feel like it as there is no deadline for me to meet.

      Unlike you, we are beginning to enjoy reasonable weather. It is almost what passes for good early summer weather; pleasant, but not hot. In fact, it is ideal weather for cricket, both playing and watching. (I used to do the former, but now do a lot of the latter).

      All the best,


  2. BOB,
    Yes- not having a specific time or date to finish a project can be a good thing- just taking things along steadily is the go. Cheers. KEV.

    1. Kev Robertson (Kev),

      I usually work better if I have a deadline, but I don’t see the point of one for this project if it is to truly fit my ‘take things easy’ criteria.

      All the best,


  3. Hello there Bob,

    Hmmm, tribal names eh? Well, there is always the Firkawi and the Dodgilot - you could even rope in the Jalfrezis for the more extreme and fiercest types….

    All the best,


    PS I reckon ship building would be fun for you to do for when you are feeling more productive

    1. David Crook,

      I did think about ‘stealing’ the names that you suggest, but for the time being I’m going to stick to something that reflects the origins of the figures.

      All the best,


      PS. Funnily enough, this had crossed my mind, especially since the arrival of the recent issue of the WARSHIP annual.

  4. Given where the surgery was done I'm surprised they've asked you to sit so much.
    Take care, I look forward to seeing the minis with their new uniforms.

    1. Mr. Pavone,

      My problem was that I confused light exercise with carrying some rather heavy bags (60 litre) compost to and from the car, them emptying them (which again required them to be lifted) into numerous planters.

      My light exercise now involves walking and climbing stairs and not carrying anything heavy whilst I do so.

      All the best,



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