

Sunday 16 April 2023

Replacement figures for the Risk boardgame

Over the past week I have managed to buy two sets of replacement figures for Risk.

The first set came from the USA, where they are sold by Morrisons Games via

The second – and somewhat earlier – set I bought via eBay.

Amazingly, the former arrived first, even though the latter were posted in the UK!

I originally bought them so that I could photograph them for the next Compendium, but since then I've had lots of ideas as to how I might use them.


  1. Having such a bunch of "generic" playing pieces lying around is very handy, esp for impromptu map games or to be used as tokens ... plastic soldiers from boardgames such as Risk of Memoir 44 are often handier in this respect as opposed to Airfix soldiers, because they have more stability.

    1. Phil Dutre,

      Very true (I have several sets of the Memoir ‘44 figures as well) … and having seen how well the US RISK figures paint up, I can see myself using them a lot in the future.

      All the best,


  2. You are probably aware that they make ship pieces in the same colors as well. I got two packs of the “US” versions above about 6 months ago. Very interested to see your thoughts on their uses. My lost about them is:

    1. Gonsalvo,

      I’ve seen the ship models, but resisted buying the … this time! I am looking to mount my figures in 3s (infantry), 2s (cavalry), and 1s (generals) on laser-cut MDF bases for use with my PW games.

      All the best,


      PS. I followed your link and was very impressed!

    2. I like the ships and have painted some of them, they are pictured on a few of my posts on the Portable wargames Facebook page. They are about 4cm long.

    3. Mark Cordone,

      I’ve seen your ships … and mighty fine vessels they are!

      All the best,


  3. I love the little guys, they are inexpensive and versatile and they paint up nice with minimal effort.

    1. Mark Cordone,

      It was the photographs of your painted figures that convinced me to buy some.

      All the best,


  4. My wife bought the same figures in your first picture as a birthday gift for me. I don't bother painting them but man, they are perfect generic soldiers.
    As I type that it reminds me of the GIs, the Genetic Infantry, from the 2000AD comic, Rogue Trooper.
    Now I want generic sci-fi soldiers... off to eBay I go!

    1. Mr. Pavone,

      In many ways, using generic figures is very ‘old school’. For example, Lionel Tarr used 1st edition Airfix British infantry for his Russian WW2 armies. I understand that he removed the rim of their helmets and added Plasticine blanket rolls to make them look Russian.

      All the best,


  5. Bob -
    I look at those 36 infantry, 12 cavalry and 12 cannon and think 'FOUR Army Corps'! Each with 9 infantry, 3 cavalry and 3 cannon. As I have biggish armies for other types of battle gaming, I'd reserve them for map games.

    But that's me, and I won't be doing that any time soon! Doesn't stop my drooling over your pictures, though, and imagining...

    1. Archduke Piccolo (Ion),

      You’ll be able to drool some more when the next PW Compendium comes out as I’ve written an article about the various RISK figures that are available for those who want to create cheap, portable, small wargame armies.

      All the best,


    2. May I recommend the Risk Europe set for your continuing research? Slightly larger medieval style pieces, inexpensive and the set has alot of medieval artillery. The map is nice, and useful as well.

    3. Mark Cordone,

      It is an excellent game. I do have a copy and the figures get a mention in the forthcoming PW Compendium.

      All the best,


  6. Hello Bob, I purchased a whole set of metal risk miniatures from their limited special anniversary edition. They are nice mini’s. I used them on a imagi-nations map that I printed on a wooden board for some fun games during Covid lockdown using home rules. I also used metal miniatures warships and howitzers from the diplomacy game, they are a good match with the risk metal minis. Thank you. Quinn

    1. Glory to Ruritania (Quinn),

      I did not realise that there were metal RISK figures out there! Likewise, metal DIPLOMACY figures. Your imagi-nations board game sounds very interesting. Are there any photographs online that I could look at?

      All the best,


    2. Thanks Bob, I have emailed you a photo. I will look for other photos which I took of the game in the meantime. Feel free to post it on your blog. The metal minis are from the Risk 40th Collectors Edition, released in 1999. Quinn

    3. Glory to Ruritania (Quinn),

      I've just seen the photo ... and I am very impressed!

      I will see if I can find any of those figures for sale online via eBay.

      All the best,


    4. I have that set as well, its my in pirated edition for when I actually want to play Risk. They are very nice, fairly heavy pieces.

    5. Mark Cordone,

      It sounds as if I’m missing out by not having these figures.

      All the best,


  7. We have a set of Risk at the library. I'm increasingly tempted to "borrow" it, since none of our patrons have!

    1. Jennifer,

      If it’s sitting there unloved and unwanted, it needs to be liberated!

      All the best,


  8. Hi Bob,

    Now they are very special looking and are similar to those found in Worthington’s Games Napoleon’s Wars: The Hundred Days. Let me know of you are going to order anymore - happy to split the coat and postage (add would be very keen to see the ships as well - I blame that very nice Mr Cordone!).

    All the best,


    1. David Crook,

      I haven’t compared the figures with the ones from the Worthington Hundred Days game, but I suspect that they might be the same.

      I’ll let you know if I buy some more of these figures, and I’ll be very happy to share the cost with you … especially if I can get you some of the ships as well.

      All the best,


  9. Hi Bob,
    I very recently bought some Risk Lord of the Rings figures from eBay and also ordered some 15mm figures from three different UK manufacturers. I used bluetac to stick the figures to some thick resin 40mm frontage bases to see what they would be like. I actually prefer the Risk figures to the metal figures and also suspect that they will be less prone to damage! The thicker bases give the units a satisfying heft to them so my tip for the day would be to use slightly thicker bases than normal as this helps offset the lighter weight of the plastic.

    1. Steve,

      Which LOTR figures did you acquire? I got the original set and the Mordor & Gondor expansion set. The former has Elven archers, Riders of Rohan, Eagles, Orcs, Dark Riders, and Trolls whereas the latter has Human swordsmen, lancers, Ents, Orc crossbowmen, Wargs and riders, and Mumakil. I’m not sure if the current LOTR RISK game has this range of figures.

      Some time ago I moved over to using 3mm thick laser-cut MDF bases because they were easier to pick up, and when I base up my RISK figures I intend to continue to do so.

      All the best,


  10. Hi Bob,
    I just got the elven bowmen - look really good as wood elves - and the eagles which I think should paint up really well. More are on order though! I must go hunting now for the expansion set you mentioned as those figures sound very attractive.

    1. Steve,

      The Elven archers are nice figures, but the Riders of Rohan are a bit of a disappointment.

      All the best,


  11. Yes, I was not inspired by what I could see of them on eBay. I have some elven cavalry on order which are from the War of the Ring game. I am hoping that they are better and will go well with the bowmen and eagles.

    These last couple of days I have also been looking at 1/72 figures. My word, things have certainly progressed since I bought those Airfix boxes of figures in Woolworths over fifty years ago!

    1. Steve,

      It sounds as if you have found an excellent substitute.

      There will be photos of my LOTR RISK and RISK EUROPE figures in the forthcoming PW Compendium.

      The range of plastic figures that are now on sale is truly amazing, and some of the most impressive used to come from the Ukraine. In fact, I understand that one of the foremost Ukrainian figure sculptors was recently killed during the fighting.

      All the best,



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