

Wednesday 29 May 2024

A quick update

Despite the fact that is was very cold in the conservatory (which is where I am currently living 24/7), I managed to get some work done on both the Third Portable Wargame Compendium and my next YouTube video.

I also applied to my local Adult Social Service Department for reablement. This can be defined as being free short-term support that helps people to regain their skills, abilities, and confidence to manage everyday tasks and to live as independently as possible. This support in delivered at home by a team of professionals, usually led by an occupational therapist and can include rehabilitation, the provision and use of specialist equipment and technological devices, and physical changes to the home environment (e.g. stairlifts, grab handles, slopes).

I am hoping that if my application is successful, I'll begin to regain some of my mobility over the next six to eight weeks. Once I can walk (even with crutches or other walking aids) and can climb stairs, I will no longer need my carers and can begin to live a much more normal life.


  1. Crumbs a long road, but glad you can keep busy with projects

  2. Hope they can assist, Bob. I’m sure all your online crew are wishing you all the best for a full recovery 👍👍👍

    1. Martin S.,

      I hope that I do get reablement and that it quite literally gets me back on my feet soon!

      All the best,


  3. Hopefully this will improve things for you, wishing you a fast and smooth rehab.

    1. Mark Cordone,

      Cheers! The sooner I up and about again, the better!

      All the best,


  4. A great idea to apply, Hopefully they'll see that you are one of those who will seize the opportunity and make the most of it.

    1. Ross Mac,

      I’m hoping that I won’t need the whole six weeks of help that I’m entitled to. I can already do lots of things that I couldn’t do last week, and I’m sure that some intensive physiotherapy would help me to make even faster progress.

      All the best,


  5. I'd dare say you could be an inspiration to other clients of the department.

    1. Mr. Pavone,

      Thanks for the compliment. I'm still waiting to hear if my application has been successful.

      All the best,


  6. I've been started on physiotherapy while I'm waiting for surgery, painful but important to stop the muscles wasting. Hopefully they'll do the same for you. OT has raised my chair by putting raisers underneath each leg so I can sit down better and loaned me stool for the bathroom so it's easier to have a strip wash so they can certainly help. Hope it works out for you.

    1. Brian Cameron,

      I should be hearing about my reablement sometime this week. In the meantime, I have been doing some exercises given to me by the hospital physiotherapist, but as yet I am still not strong enough to stand up, even with my crutches. I am hoping that once my reablement begins, I'll be able to walk and even climb stairs! My shower will need some level of adaption in order for me to us it, and that may well included a stool or seat.

      Good luck.

      All the best,



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