

Monday 20 May 2024

Warship 2024

This year's issue of WARSHIP was delivered just over a week ago and since then I have spent several very happy hours reading it.

This issue was edited by John Jordan, and contains the following article:

  • Editorial
  • Nagato and Mutsu: The 16in-gun battleships that Survived the Washington Treaty by Hans Lengerer
  • The beginnings of Soviet naval power: The flotilla leader Tashkent and her would-be successors by Przemyslaw Bubzbon
  • Action off the Bosphorous, 10 May 1915 by Toby Ewin
  • SuffrenDuquesne: France's first modern carrier escorts by Jean Moulin
  • The escort destroyers of the Matsu and Tachibana classes by Kathrin Milanovich
  • The making of an armed merchant cruise: SMS Seeadler by Dirk Nottelmann
  • The battleship Bouvet, martyr of the Dardanelles by Philippe Caresse
  • Mussolini's caprices: the Italian midget submarines and elektroboote of 1934-1943 by Enrico Cernuschi
  • Fit for purpose? The Royal Navy's Fishery Protection Squadron, 1883-2023 by Jon Wise
  • From Orel to Iwami by Stephen McLaughlin
  • Warship Notes
    • From Graf Zeppelin to Aquila: The Italian Navy's assessment of the German carrier, 1941-1942 by Enrico Cernusschi
    • The Niger, Le Mage and Faidherbe: A tale of river gunboats by Ian Sturton
    • HMS Cossack and Mr Rapley: A cautionary tale by John Roberts
    • An outsider's view of the Marine Nationale's naval construction organisation by Conrad Waters
    • 'Zombies' in warship history: A few more of the 'zombie facts' that continue to stalk the history of the world's warships by Aidan Dodson
  • A's and A's
  • Naval Books of the Year
  • Warship Gallery
    • The Soviet Navy 1960-1990 by John Jordan

Yet again, there is a lot of very interesting stuff in this year's annual. In fact, every single contribution was top notch, and I will certainly be re-reading it and consulting it again and again. Of particular interest to me was Toby Ewin's article, Action off the Bosphorous, 10 May 1915. Not only do I have an interest in the fighting that took place between the Ottoman and Imperial Russian Navies during the Great War but I also know Toby quite well and have had long and interesting discussions with him, particularly about naval wargaming during the period from 1880 to 1920.

The short article about the French river gunboats Niger, Le Mage, and Faidherbe includes some interesting plans and illustrations of these vessels, and will be of great assistance to any Colonial wargamers who are looking to model some small non-British river gunboats.

My one regret is that the second part of the The German Flak Ships series of articles that was originally going to be included in this volume has had to be postponed until 2025 ... but it gives me an excuse to buy next year's publication ... not that I needed much of an excuse!

WARSHIP 2024 was edited by John Jordan, assisted by Stephen Dent, and published in 2024 by Osprey Publishing (ISBN 978 1 4728 6330 0).


  1. Some good stuff in there - and nice to see Toby in print.

    1. Tim Gow,

      It is an excellent annual publication and one that has pride of place on my bookshelves. Knowing one of the contributors made this an even more enjoyable read than normal, and his excellent article would provide the basis of a very interesting naval floor game similar to the one's fought by the Jockey's Field Irregulars and the Sheffield Group.

      All the best,



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