

Friday 7 June 2024

A quick video update ... and the camera didn't break!

I have been continuing my experiments with making YouTube videos. This time I used my iPhone to make a 'short', and for the first time I showed my ugly and very hairy face onscreen ... and the camera didn't break!

Hopefully this will not put too many people off and I don't lose too many subscribers to the Wargaming Miscellany YouTube channel.


  1. Replies
    1. Ray Rousell,

      Cheers! I really DO need a haircut and beard trim!

      All the best,


  2. I think it’s a great short and good to see you are looking well chap

    1. Demitri Ioannou,

      Cheers! I looked a lot better in the video than I felt!

      All the best,


  3. Replies
    1. Archduke Piccolo,

      I have the face for radio!

      (Some years ago I was shopping in a supermarket in Blackheath - a part of London favoured by actors - and was asked by the person at the till if I did voiceovers! )

      All the best,


  4. Looking good! And you aren't nearly as deadly to cameras as I am! 😁

    1. Mark Cordone,

      Cheers! I'm sure that the iPhone's reinforced glass screen was the only thing that saved it from breaking!

      All the best,


  5. Bob,
    I'm sure your many followers and readers of PW books will have been interested to put a face to your name. I wonder how some of them may have imagined you previously?
    Years ago, Bill Leeson and I presented an Artillery Kriegsspiel at the Victorian Military Fair, wearing badges with our names. A gentleman came up and enquired if it was I who wrote articles in Miniature Wargames. When I replied in the affirmative, he said that he had always imagined me to be a 55 year old retired lieutenant colonel. At that time I was only in my forties. I'm not certain whether he was disappointed to discover I was a small, bespectacled, puny prep school master...
    I look forward to your next battle video.
    Best wishes,

    1. Arthur1815 (Arthur),

      Interestingly, over the years I've met people who knew me through my writings etc., but who had not met me face-to-face. On several occasions I've had long chats at wargame shows with people putting on games - usually about the Spanish Civil War - who have my book - LA ULTIMA CRUZADA - on display ... but I've not introduced myself until the end of our chat. The reactions have been rather varied and very interesting. I've never been though of as being a retired lieutenant colonel, but one person assumed that I was Spanish as 'cordero' is 'lamb' in Spanish!

      The next battle video should be uploaded by tomorrow morning.

      All the best,



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