

Saturday 29 June 2024

A schematic that shows the relative positions of my Belle Époque imagi-nations

In order to clarify the relative positions of the imagi-nations featured on my Wargaming Imagi-Nations of La Belle Époque blog, I have drawn up the following schematic:

Please click on the image to enlarge it.

I hope to develop proper maps of each imagi-nation in due course.

A related video can be found on the Wargaming Miscellany YouTube channel.


  1. Test run for comments after our little chat on YouTube.

    1. Mike C,

      It certainly seems to be working. I look forward to receiving lots of comments in the future,

      All the best,


  2. A nice little video. I block things out before drawing my maps as well. I'm looking forward to the finished map.

    1. Mark Cordone,

      I think that sketching things out helps to clarify ones thinking. I'd normally just use a pencil and paper, but this time I decided to use MS PowerPoint.

      All the best,


  3. Nice schematic there Bob, which helps one get an idea of the general layout and how future conflicts might kick off.

    1. Steve J.,

      In fact, two of the countries (Stalbania and Khakistan) have already been at war twice before. In the last conflict the Stalbanian Army was almost destroyed but inflicted so much damage on the invading Khakistani force that the latter sued for peace.

      All the best,


  4. Hi Bob, I hope that you are OK after the recent test results on your legs. I was hoping to ask you a couple of questions about how you insert photos into your YouTube videos and what you use for editing etc. I'm not sure that I have your current email address so I wonder if you would mind emailing me at please? Your channel and videos are very good and I would like to improve my own!

    No need to publish this of course.

    All the best,

    1. 'Lee,

      I am still waiting for further tests, and once they are over, I hope that I'll be given the necessary treatment.

      My recent YouTube videos are all created using MS PowerPoint. I make the slides, inserting photos and text where I want them. I then write a script and using a microphone/headphones, I record the relevant text for each slide. Once I am happy with the end result, I save the presentation and then export it as an MP4 file that I can upload to YouTube.

      All the best,


  5. Hi Bob

    I thought I had commented on this post, but it seems to have disappeared.

    I think devoting a blog to your campaign is a great idea. I have found that it helps to keep me concentrated and prompts me to do something each week to post on the blog.

    it is also a great way to record a complicated project, and allows you, and your readers, to refer to earlier posts. It also allows them to follow one part of the project, for example the development of one of the nations.

    It will also allow you to "brush up" on one of the nations when necessary. I have found that as the campaign develops it can be difficult to switch from nation to nation, particularly if you have concentrated on one for a long period.

    I very much look forward to seeing how your campaign develops



    1. Thistlebarrow (Paul),

      I thought that you can made a comment as well, and I am sure that I replied!

      I am actually following your example as I realised that a separate blog would help me to keep some sort of control over the project as it develops. It will also be a record of the development of the project, something that might otherwise become 'lost' on my main blog.

      All the best,



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