

Wednesday, 29 January 2025

Have I bitten off more than I can chew? Possibly … but I think that I can see a way forward

Back in the middle of last December, I decided to concentrate most of my wargaming efforts on my Belle Époque project. Since then I've been thinking about this project and wondering if I might just have taken on a much larger project than I originally conceived ... especially as I still have quite a few more figures that I could add to it.

I am enjoying the process of creating these armies (and navies) and their backstories, but I want to avoid ending up doing just that and not actually using them. I am therefore trying to find a way to actually get at least two of the armies onto my tabletop as soon as possible … and I think that I can achieve this without having to take my terrain out of storage. (Trying to get anything out of storage at present is something that is rather challenging due to my reduced mobility.)

This is one of the reasons why I’ve been looking afresh at Joseph Morschauser’s FRONTIER rules. They use a grid that is made up of squares that are large enough to take a single base, and as my bases are 40mm wide and between 20mm and 40mm deep, I need to make a grid of 40mm or 50mm squares.

Tesco sell cork-faced pinboards that are 40cms x 40cms and I could easily use one to make a 10 x 10 or a 8 x 8 grid. If I used two or more, I could create an even bigger battlefield. I am therefore planning a trip to our local branch of Tesco to buy some.


  1. Sounds like a plan Bob - I'm looking forward to seeing the first action!

    1. Maudlin Jack Tar,

      Like most plans, I’m not sure how long it will survive!

      All the best,


    2. I see Mike Smith has posted a game set right at the beginning of La Belle Epoque on his Grid Wargaming site

    3. Maudlin Jack Tar,

      Amazingly, I’d just read his blog post when I saw your comment! It’s exactly the sort of battle I am aiming fight.

      All the best,


  2. Bob -
    Given the vast scope of your Belle Epoque project, it might not be a bad scheme to begin with a limited war between two belligerents as a kind of overture to the 'main event'. Recall how the Spanish Civil War - and, perhaps more tellingly, for all its brevity, the Hungary-Czechoslovakia War of March 1939 - ushered in the much wider global conflict. Not to mention the 'Winter War' - not part of the global war already begun.

    The point is that a campaign or, better yet, a war, might be waged as you introduce further potential belligerents and prepare your other armies.

    Mind you, sometimes it's better not to plan: just wing it! I am looking forward to discovering your world's Belle Epoque...

    Meanwhile, by the way, I have decided upon a sort of naval mini-campaign based upon your new rule set. Three battles:
    1. Grauheim vs Porphyria (6 ships a side)
    2. Azuria vs Ruberia (6 ships a side)
    3. Azuria and Porphyria against Grauheim and Ruberia (12 ships a side)
    There may be some preliminary single ship duels... possibly.

    1. Archduke Piccolo (Ion),

      Thanks for the very sound advice … and I’ll probably pitch two of the smaller imagi-nations against one another as soon as I can.

      I look forward to seeing how your naval battles turn out. I’ve written the scenario for my first battle, which will be an action involving one ship per side.

      All the best,



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