

Friday 6 March 2009

Preparing for Salute 2009

With Salute 2009 only three weeks away I have been spending quite a bit of time this week preparing for the game Richard Brooks and I will be staging on behalf of Wargame Developments.

The game is entitled SOLFERINO IN TWENTY MINUTES, and it uses a large playing board (which I have yet to make), playing pieces (printed on cardboard and designed to stand upright), and activation cards (printed on push-out business cards).

I have been designing and printing proof copies of the artwork that will be used on the playing pieces and activation cards as well as mock-ups of the final designs. Once Richard and I have decided that the designs are 'fit-for-purpose' it will only take an hour or so to produce all the playing pieces and activation cards, and then I can concentrate on making the playing board.

The playing pieces represent divisions or army artillery. They are printed, folded in half, and then separated so that they can be fixed into stands.

The activation cards are printed on to push-out business cards. When a card is turned over the units controlled by the named commander are activated.


  1. Wow! this looks really good but sadly I will not be able to attend salute due to a prior engagement. I would love to see the rules etc for this as it looks such a novel idea.

  2. They will certainly be appearing in the pages of THE NUGGET in due course. Once they have had a public 'airing' at Salute 2009 I might be able to persuade Richard Brooks to allow me to publish them via my website or this blog.

  3. Hi Bob

    On the Salute website it has Wargame Developments down as presenting "Magenta, 150th Anniversery", table GL03 is this your game?

    I'm on GK04 (Wagram) hope to say hello on the day.


  4. The game was originally going to be a re-fight of Magenta but Richard Brooks (who has designed the Solferino game) has written an Osprey CAMPAIGN book that will be published to coincide with Salute. It therefore made sense to change the battle from Magenta to Solferino.

    I look forward to seeing you on the day - and to see how you tackle Wagram.


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