

Saturday 25 July 2009

It all gone a bit quiet ...

For reasons that will be come apparent later this month, I have not been able to make any blog entries until today. This does not mean that I have given up blogging ... far from it! ... due to technical reasons it has just been difficult to get Internet access.

I have managed to do some work on WHEN EMPIRES CLASH!, and the rules for using aircraft are nearing completion; they just need a bit of tidying up.

I have also been giving my 'Nostalgia' project some thought, and it is probably going to be set in the late 1930s/early 1940s and have a vaguely Scandinavian/Eastern European feel. There will be opportunities for me to use all sorts of different tanks and vehicles, and the uniforms are quite easy to paint.


  1. Welcome back Bob - I wondered if you had gone off on the Baltic expedition! Good idea re the Nostalgia project - as you rightly say, a gret chance to use all manner of exotic kit.

    All the best, Ogre

  2. Bob, I have a couple of partially assembled Renault FT17s you can have if you need them. They are the Armourfast kits with the 37mm gun. I know they were used in the SCW so you could squeeze them in to a rear echelon unit of some kind or another.

  3. Ogrefencer,

    You are quite right; the Baltic has been partially responsible for my current thinking about the 'Nostalgia' project.

    As for the Renault FT17s ... I would love to have them. They will certainly do for front-line equipment for a smaller nation or second-line equipment for a larger one.

    I will get in contact soon about collecting them ... probably when I am able to bring over the Minifig ships.

    All the best,


  4. Hello Bob,

    I'm just back from the Baltic myself, by a wierd coincidence! Nice to be able to read your blog once again!


  5. CWT,

    My wife and I went there on a cruise ship (P&O's MV Artemis)and manange to visit Norway, Denamark, Sweden, Finland, Russia, and Estonia.

    I shall be writing a long blog entry about what I saw and did later this week, and would love to see your comments.

    All the best,



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