

Wednesday 14 October 2009

When Empires Clash! – Colonial Wars: Examples of the photographs I am using

Just a little teaser today, as I have a lot of other work to do!

The following are a couple of the photographs I will be using to illustrate the latest draft of the rules.

The first shows how a large open tactical square looks on the tabletop.

The second shows a real Victorian infantry unit forming a small tactical square. Note the beards on some of the soldiers!


  1. Very nice, the square.

    Why not the triangle, I wonder? Wouldn't that have been 25% easier for them?

    Perhaps it's best I keep these sorts of whimsical ideas to myself, though. (Cough.)

    Good luck!


  2. CWT (Craig),

    Joking apart, it is interesting that other geometric shapes weren't used.

    For example, wagons can be circled; why can't troops?

    More whimsy ... this time on my part.

    All the best,


  3. Yet more whimsy - it looks like the rankers weren't allowed to grow a set of whiskers until they'd got a medal... :o)

  4. Steve,

    You are absolutely right! I had not noticed that fact!

    You can almost imagine the conversation …

    “Permission to grow a beard Sar’nt Major?”

    “Have you been a ‘ero and got a medal yet Private Widdle?”

    “No, Sarn’t Major!”

    “Permission denied. Come back and ask when you’ve been a ‘ero my lad.”

    “Yes, Sarn’t Major.”

    All the best,


  5. Great site Bob.

    There is nothing, in my opinion, that stirs the heart like a formed up square and hordes of white clad natives rushing upon it!

    Good luck!


  6. Frank (Furt),

    Many thanks for you kind comment!

    I think the that the best bit of the whole remake of THE FOUR FEATHERS was the helicopter shot of the British square being charged from all four directions at once! A terrible film ... but a great shot!

    All the best,



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