

Saturday 28 August 2010

Restless Natives ... at SALUTE2003

Before going to see my father-in-law yesterday, I was trawling through my collection of photographs when I came across a series that were taken at SALUTE2003.

Wargame Developments had been invited to put on a game at the show, and I volunteered to organise it. The game we eventually put on was RESTLESS NATIVES. These used a set of colonial wargames rules that I had been working on at the time (and which are still available in PDF format from the Colonial Wargaming website).

The rules were very simple, and used a card-driven turn sequence. There were a series of scenarios and Army Lists, and the players used dice to determine which scenario they played and what their army comprised. As a result no two games were the same, and from what I can remember, a lot of fun was had by all ... including the team putting the game on!

The game being set up. As can be seen, the terrain is very simple and can be moved around to suit the particular scenario that is being fought out. Note also that the presenter (me!) is now somewhat older, greyer, and even more well set up.
The two main game presenters – Tony Hawkins and me – with our 'funny hats'. The players were encouraged to wear appropriate headgear, and this seemed to add to their enjoyment of the game! (This picture has also been captioned as 'Brothers Peachy Carnahan and Daniel Dravitt reporting for duty.')
The Anglo-Sudanese are under attack, and have taken shelter behind improvised defences.
A close-up of the Anglo-Sudanese troops.


  1. Its interesting how much enjoyment can be had from staging games for others to play at a con or show.

  2. Ross Mac,

    It was a great day, and we enjoyed every minute of it.

    After the show ended, Tony Hawkins and I went to a formal dinner that had been laid on to mark St. George's Day. The menu was tradional roast beef and all the trimmings, followed by much flag waving and the singing of patriotic songs (including 'Jerusalem', 'Land of Hope and Glory', and 'Rule Britannia'); the perfect end to a perfect day.

    All the best,


  3. I looked over your rules...impressive,
    I've a ton or so (lol)
    colonials in 15mm
    and I hate the single
    basing that most rule
    use. Think I'll give
    these a go...thanks!


  4. Don M,

    I hope that you enjoy using them. I keep meaning to get them out and use them again ... but other things just keep getting in the way.

    All the best,



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