

Friday 11 February 2011

Another milestone!

Today has turned out to be rather a momentous one. I have just realised that it is the second anniversary of my adding a 'hit' counter to my blog.

I added the 'hit' counter on 11th February, 2009 at 12:04 pm CST ... and on 11th February, 2011 at 12:12 pm CST the number of 'hits' was 142,392 ... which gives an average of 195.05 'hits' per day. I never, ever expected that anything like that number of people would be interested in 'the random thoughts of an ancient wargamer', but obviously I was wrong.

Big thanks go to all my regular blog readers. I'll keep writing my blog if you'll keep reading it!


  1. I´ll keep reading if you keep writing :-D

  2. Glad to see you're feeling much better. Big congrats on your 'anniversary' and the very well-deserved number of hits. Keep the posts coming please.
    Was the terrain in your dreams gridded?!

  3. Jfidz,

    Thanks for your very kind comments. I am so pleased that I am getting better ... and back blogging again! It helps my thought processes no end.

    One of the things that I cannot remember is whether or not the terrain in my dream was gridded. As I cannot remember measuring ranges or movement, I suppose that it must have been.

    All the best,


  4. That's really good going Bob!! You must be doing something right, keep it coming!

  5. Ray Rousell,

    Thanks very much! I certainly will!

    All the best,


  6. I'm glad that you're feeling better, sir.

    And those chessboards look just like I remember the Chessex boards looking.

    Finally, you obviously need to get some Colonial troops onto a big table again.

    -- Jeff

  7. Bluebear Jeff,

    Thanks for your good wishes.

    I had a feeling that the vinyl chessboards I bought would be like the ones that Cessex used to supply; your comment has confirmed it.

    As to getting my Colonials figures on to a big table again ... well I want to play-test the latest version of my Morschauser-based 'Frontier/Musket' wargames rules and then ... you never know!

    All the best,


  8. Glad that you are feeling better.Onwards and upwards...

  9. Tradgardmastare (Alan),

    Many thanks for your kind comment.

    'Prorsum et sursum' (Latin: 'Onwards and Upwards') was my old college motto, so it is very apposite that you quote it!

    All the best,


  10. Hi Bob,

    Many congratulations of the milestone - very well deserved! The contents of your blog are always well written, entertaining, informative and above all stimulating and I for one am glad you will 'keep on keeping on!'

    Great news re the health as well and I always think that having something nice arrive through the post whilst recovering from a wearing illness is a greattonic and boost for morale and I cant wait to see how you make use of the mats.

    All the best,


  11. David Crook,

    Many thanks for your best wishes on my slow but steady recovery.

    As to the milestone ... I only noticed that it was the second anniversary of the 'hit' counter by accident. I usually look at the number of people who have visited each day, but not the date on which the whole thing started.

    The arrival of the vinyl chessboards really helped to make me feel much better yesterday ... and I already have some ideas on how I am going to use them. I am not, however, going to rush into using them until I have tried one or two ideas out on my existing portable wargame.

    All the best,


  12. I am so glad that you are feeling better and that the vinyl chessboards cheered you up; I, too, cannot wait to see how you are going to use them.

  13. Paul,

    Thanks for your good wishes.

    It will probably be a week or two before I get around to using the vinyl chessboards, but my priority is to see they will accommodate 20mm-scale figures as well as 15mm-scale ones. I am also wondering if I can set up a game where two or three inter-linked battles are fought on separate chessboards at the same time.

    All the best,



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