

Saturday 5 March 2011

Little Wars: Guns, Guns, Guns ...

Over the past few months I have been trawling through eBay at regular intervals on the lookout for artillery for my as-yet-to-be-formed LITTLE WARS army (or armies). After an initial burst of enthusiasm, I settled down to buy artillery as and when it became available at reasonable prices ... and I collected the most recent purchase this morning from the local Post Office.

It was at this point that my wife made a comment about how many I was going to need to buy ... so I decided to get all my purchase together to see how large my artillery gun park was ... and it was much larger than I expected.

I now own the following artillery, all of which have been tested and will fire a matchstick a reasonable distance (with varying degrees of accuracy!):
  • Five Britains 4.7-inch Guns (one of which has a cut-down barrel)
  • Six Britains Field Guns
  • Four Crescent 18-pounder Field Guns
Some of these guns are in good condition and some are in need of repair. For example, one of the 4.7-inch guns has a split in its barrel. As it is made of zinc, it will not be easy to repair; however, if I cut the barrel down, it will remove the damaged section and make a pair for the other 4.7-inch that has a shortened barrel.

What I need to do now is to acquire both some gun grews for my existing artillery as well as some infantry and cavalry for my LITTLE WARS army.

The Artillery Gun Park:


  1. It's frightening when you get them all together, isn't it? I'm quite enjoying the look of the 'sawn off' 4.7.

  2. Tim Gow,

    It is quite an impressive sight ... and it is enough artillery for several armies.

    The 'sawn off' 4.7-inch looks quite 'mean', and is no less accurate than the longer-barrelled version.

    All the best,


  3. You certainly keep Basil Zaharoff in funds.

  4. Conrad Kinch,

    But I only buy second-hand ... and as cheap as possible!

    All the best,


  5. Hi Bob
    Looks great - a quick question - what are you using for ordnance - matchsticks? the original shells ( dangerous!!) I've a couple of these pieces somewhere in the loft - I knew it would be good to hold onto them!! Would it be cheating to fire at plastic figures - they fall down much more easily!! Great updates - loving reading your thoughts again kind regards


  6. Ken H,

    The FUNNY LITTLE WARS rules recommend 1-inch lengths of matchstick, and that is what I plan to use.

    Plastic figures do fall over easily if they are not fixed on to more substantial bases. Once they are - especially if the bases are fairly heavy - they do not fall over very easilly.

    All the best,



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