

Wednesday 30 March 2011

The portable wargame: Progress at last!

Last night I was actually able to spend half an hour redrafting the nineteenth century version of THE PORTABLE WARGAME rules so that they are easier to understand and incorporate some of the ideas and mechanisms that were in the twentieth century version of the rules.

At the current rate, this task is going to take me several evenings to complete, and visits to both my father and father-in-law are going to seriously eat into the time that is available … but at least I have made a start!


  1. Hi Bob,

    I hope the odd times you can spend on anything hobby related serve to help recharge your batteries so that dealing with the real life dramas you are surrounded by becomes just that little less daunting!

    All the very best,


  2. David Crook,

    Those thirty minutes were an 'escape' from reality, and gave me a much needed morale boost.

    All the best,



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