

Friday 8 April 2011

The portable wargame: The effect of pinning

Ross Mac has made a very interesting comment in response to my recent blog entry about the current draft of THE PORTABLE WARGAME. He has pointed out that a pinned Unit that is in the open would probably go to ground or seek whatever cover is available in order to minimise further losses.

This is a very sensible suggestion, and one that reflects European practice during the latter part of the nineteenth century. Nic101 has, however, pointed out that this might not be applicable for Native armies, and to a certain extent he may be correct. I am, therefore, going to give the suggestions some more 'think time' before making any further changes to the current draft of the rules.


  1. I'm not sure about all native armies, but it seems to match descriptions of fighting in the Sudan where the enemy would disappear. (also puts 1 in mind of the movie Zulu when the Zulu's "go to ground" "oh" ).

    Don't know what the proper response would be for cavalry that got a pinned result. One could imagine Boers or American cavalry dismounting but hussars or cuirassiers?

  2. Ross Mac,

    My reading of the descriptions of the reaction of Native armies to 'pinning' is very similar to your own.

    Cavalry is a problem ... but perhaps I could add a 'flight to the front' option for European Cavalry Units, where 'pinning' actually makes them charge straight forward rather than stand still, and the 'unpinning' stops the forward motion should their general so desire it.

    All the best,



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