

Thursday 28 April 2011

Stylish Blogger Award

Over the past few days I have been nominated for the Stylish Blogger Award by several people:
I would like to thank these excellent bloggers for nominating me even thought I am not quite sure what the award is for. That said, it seems a bit of harmless fun, and does give one the opportunity to write something a bit different on one's blog.

The Stylish Blogger Award Rules
The award rules are:
  1. Thank and link back to the person (or persons) who nominated you this award.
  2. Share seven things about yourself.
  3. Nominate ten to fifteen great bloggers.
  4. Contact these bloggers and tell them about the award!
Seven things about myself
  1. I am left-handed.
  2. I was born in the centre of London, just south of Westminster Bridge.
  3. From the age of eleven to eighteen I went to the William Palmer Endowed School for Boys, Grays, Essex, where I learned to love History and the works of C S Forester. H G Wells, and Rudyard Kipling.
  4. I love cricket ... and hate soccer.
  5. I have more wargames projects whirling around in my head that I will ever possible be able to achieve in a lifetime ... but I am going to do my damnedest to do as many as I can before I go to another place!
  6. I got my first job by going to a local grocer's store every week and asking the manager for a job; he gave in before I did!
  7. I love curry ... but it doesn't love me!
Other Stylish Bloggers (in no particular order)
  1. All of the gentlemen who nominated my for this award (see above)
  2. A Wargaming Odyssey: David Crook's excellent blog. I first met him many years ago when we wargamed together in the basement of Eric Knowles' shop, New Model Army. We lost touch, and 'found' each other again, by accident, via Ebay! (I sold some figures that he bought, and we realised that we knew one another when I delivered them.)
  3. Joy and Forgetfulness: Conrad Kinch's blog. I always read this blog with great interest as we share quite a few wargaming interests in common. I look forward to meeting him in the flesh one day!
  4. Megablitz and More: Tim Gow has been a long-time friend and fellow member of Wargame Developments, for which organisation we have jointly run the annual conference – COW (the Conference of Wargamers) – for many years.
  5. Mr Farrow 2U (+ Jack & Amys!!) DBA 1500 Onwards Page: Mr Farrow shows what wonderful things can be done with small wargames armies on a small wargames table using simple DBA/HOTT rules. I only wish that he would fight more wargames so that I could read more of his excellent battle reports.
  6. The Games We Play: Martin Rapier's blog. Martin does not write many blog entries, but when he does they are always well worth reading.
  7. Vintage Wargaming: Wargaming nostalgia on screen! Much of what is featured may be 'vintage' ... but so am I ... and often I can remember it the first time around!
  8. Wargaming for Grown-ups: Trebian and I have wargamed together on and off for more years than I suspect either of us would admit to. He always writes interesting and thought-provoking blog entries.
  9. Napoleonic Wargaming: I may not be a great fan of the Napoleonic era, but this blog has made me seriously wonder about what I may have been missing out on. I cannot wait retire if this is how I could end up spending my time.
  10. P.B.Eye-Candy: A relative newcomer to my list of favourite blogs. It features lots of good ideas, excellent modelling, and easy to follow battle reports. A good example for any aspiring wargames blogger to follow.
  11. Tin Soldiering On: Another newcomer to my list, it features a wonderful collection of 40mm figures and matchstick firing model cannons ... and confectionary-based names! Just what H G Wells would be doing if he were still alive today!


  1. Bob
    Thanks for the nomination - my second today!

  2. Tim Gow,

    It was my pleasure ... and very much deserved!

    All the best,


  3. Many thanks for this unexpected award

  4. Mosstrooper,

    Unexpected but very well deserved!

    All the best,


  5. Conrad Kinch,

    It is very much deserved ... and I note that I am not the only person to have nominated you either!

    All the best,


  6. Back at you Bob!

    Well, I only follow four blogs, so nominating you was easy.

  7. Mike,

    Thanks for the link. It was quite informative, and I would recommend other bloggers and blog readers to read it.

    All the best,


  8. Trebian,

    Thanks for that!

    The one thing that I found useful about this award was the number of interesting blogs that I followed links to. I would probably have never found them otherwise.

    All the best,



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