

Tuesday 31 May 2011

A day doing odd jobs ... and finding something that had been 'lost'

After spending most of yesterday sorting out the contents of my father's house so that we can begin the process of selling it, I have spent today doing all sorts of odd jobs that needed doing, but that had not been done before because I had just not got around to doing them.

Besides shredding a very large pile of redundant personal documents, I have removed a dead Fuchsia bush, repaired the wiring in a faulty electrical extension cable, made the usual end-of-the-month visit to the bank, done a pile of filing for my business, prepared the documentation that I will need for my personal online Income Tax Self Assessment, and begun work on tidying my toy room/wargames room. The latter is something that I try to do at least once each year, and each time that I do it, I find something that I had forgotten about. Today was no exception.

Today's find was a large box of photographs that I took before the advent of digital cameras. Amongst them were some photographs of the battle that Tim Gow, Chris Willey and I fought using Chris Kemp's NOT QUITE MECHANISED rules, and which led to the eventual development of MEGABLITZ.

The battle pitted a large Russian force of tanks and mechanised infantry against a very thin line of Finnish defenders ... who – if my memory serves me correctly – managed to stop the Russian advance.

I also found some photographs taken some years ago at the Conference of Wargamers. I am unsure of the years when they were taken, but some of the 'young' men whose faces appear in them are somewhat older now!

Waiting for a plenary session to start.

Deep thought.

Will he notice if I do it whilst he isn't looking?

Well someone is obviously enjoying themselves ...

Why did I ever decide to put this session on? I have even had to write my own name on a label so I can remember who I am!


  1. Brilliant, Bob ...

    I scrolled down that post beaming from ear to ear :)))

    Great collection of photos.


  2. SoA Shows North,

    They brought back some wonderful memories ... and I wasted at least an hour looking through the box of photos when I should have been doing something else!

    All the best,


  3. 'We were wargamers once and young'.
    I have copies of the NQM photos which I was going to ask you about - I was farily sure you had taken them. This, if memory serves was the now notorious 'Game with no name' which seemed to happen almost by accident. I still have all the Russian tanks I used in the game, along with the Russian infantry you provided. I expect Chris Willey still has the Finns. Happy days.

  4. Tim Gow,

    I am about to add some more old COW photos to my blog ... and you feature in the one that shows the NQM game in session.

    The 'Game with no name' was an accident ... but it was an accident waiting to happen because without Chris Kemp, no one else semed to be able to get NQM to work as well.

    Oh the halcyon days of our youth!

    All the best,



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