

Saturday 14 May 2011

My Funny Little Wars army: The Regulars and the Civil Guard

I decided to see what a Regular and Civil Guard (or Reserve) Infantry Regiment of the Cordeguayan Army would look like, so this evening I sorted out some of my collection of American Civil war Britains Deetail toy soldiers into two units.

The first was the Regular Infantry Regiment ...

... and mighty fine it looked as well! As I was able to muster enough standing and kneeling figures to form the bulk of the Regiment it looked very businesslike. I could almost hear the order 'At one hundred yards, volley fire!' as I took the photograph!

The Civil Guard (the name given to reserve units of the Cordeguayan Army) looked a lot more ragged ... as you might expect from soldiers who only serve in time of war, and whose training is purely voluntary.

I am quite pleased with the way these units look, and as I acquire more figures, I will add additional units.

This blog entry was originally posted on Wednesday, 11 May 2011


  1. Paul,

    As and when I can get around to 'organising' further units, I will certainly be writing blog entires about them.

    All the best,


  2. Coming along nicely - I am rather loooking forward to their first outing in July! At least we'll have two armies that look good - even if their generals are a pair of incompetent bunglers!

  3. Tim Gow,

    We both seem to be recruiting interesting and somewhat different FLW armies, and it will be interesting to see how they shape up in combat against each other.

    Your comment about incompetent bunglers gave me an idea ... and the Army of Cordeguay now has a named commander, General Chapucero.

    All the best,


    PS. Are we going to ask other attendees to bring along FLW units as well? If so, we should try to put a notice of some kind into the next Nugget (the one that comes out just before COW).

  4. Bob
    I think we'll have enough by ourselves - and we then avoid the risk of having an unwieldy large game on our hands.

  5. Tim Gow,

    Fine by me ... but I suspect that there will be lots of 'onlookers' who may want to 'help'!

    All the best,


  6. Bob,

    HG Wells had - at least according to the line drawings in Little Wars! - a rather splendid personality figure to represent his more martial alter ego.

    I hope we can look forward to seeing a similarly splendid 54mm version of General Chapucero!

  7. Arthur1815,

    I already have plans for a General Chapucero figure in hand!

    All the best,



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