

Tuesday 13 September 2011

Another 'find'

My attempts to sort out my toy/wargames room have been continuing on and off over the past week, and one of the things that I have found is a small collection of AXIS & ALLIES MINIATURES vehicles that I bought some time ago but have not used yet. I bought three basic 'Starter Sets' and some additional 'Booster' ones, and the result can be seen below.

Having taken them out of their storage boxes, it struck me that I could easily use most of the models with my Zvezda 1:100th-scale ART OF TACTIC vehicles ... if and when I get round to constructing and painting them.

I can feel a World War II version of PORTABLE WARGAME 2 gradually forming itself at the back of my mind ... but first I want to get the current version of my PORTABLE WARGAME 2 rules as close to 100% 'right' as I can.


  1. Ah vulgar tanks will soon be spoiling a game set in a more civilized age.

  2. Conrad Kinch,

    They will no doubt appear at some time in the future ... but how soon, nobody - including me - knows.

    All the best,


  3. Ah gents

    Those tanks are so old they almost fall into the ancients category, no?

    I believe one of the reasons a Sherman burned so easily was the amount of black powder stored internally....


  4. Arthur,

    Old they may be ... but not quite that old!

    All the best,



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