

Sunday 2 October 2011

Indian Summer

The last days of September and first days of October have seen the area of England where I live enjoying a veritable Indian Summer ... and very nice it has been too!

Such nice weather encourages one to spend as much time as one can to be outside ... and as a result I have spent less time than I had planned to on wargames-related activities this weekend. I have managed to do further work on the latest batch of hills to go with my 'new' terrain boards, but more importantly I have begun work on a Colonial version of my PORTABLE WARGAME 2 rules.

The Colonial PW2 rules are basically the same as the previous version of the rules but I have made some additions. For example the types of weapons covered by the rules now include magazine rifles, single-shot rifles, and machine guns, as well as differentiating between rifled and smoothbore artillery. Native Infantry and Cavalry also have the option to make double-length moves to reflect their greater mobility.

I hope to finish proofreading the first draft of this variant tomorrow, and once I am happy that there are no obvious errors I will upload them to THE PORTABLE WARGAME website.


  1. Beware of adding too much detail, Bob.

    -- Jeff

  2. Glad you have nice weather; raining here (New England) the past four days.
    Thanks for working on a Colonial PW2, looking forward to trying it out.


  3. Bluebear Jeff,

    The detail I have added is quite minor, and I have not changed the game mechanisms at all.

    The rules still cover less than two sides of paper, and most of the additional space has been used to make any data relating to weapon ranges, movement rates, and Close Combat Power easier to read.

    All the best,


  4. Brigadier Dundas (Don),

    The weather has been a very pleasant break from the usual autumn weather we have in UK. Rain would be far more normal for us as well.

    I don't think that the changes I have made to the PW2 rules are so drastic as to make them something completely different. They just have a little more detail so as to take in the more disparate nature of Colonial wargaming.

    All the best,


  5. Writing from the Dublin monsoon - I would echo Jeffs comments.

  6. Conrad Kinch,

    I will let you judge for yourself later today when I upload the rules to the PW website.

    As to the weather ... well the forecast is that today will be the last sunny day we will have for some time ... and there has even been a suggestion that we might have snow by the end of the month!

    All the best,


  7. The last 6 weeks here have been weird: rainy, drizzly, foggy, generally overcast and damp, and--OMG! We're turning into England! :)


  8. Chris,

    Interestingly I saw the headline on one of the national newspapers today that predicts that the UK will be hit by hurricane-force winds ... and snow ... later in October!

    I am sure that it will get blamed on Global Warming ... but what I don't understand is why the UK still insists that all new houses (and any additions to existing houses) have insulation to stop them getting too cold during the winter!

    All the best,



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