

Monday 28 November 2011

Medals ... are now mounted

Yesterday was very busy, but this morning I decided that come-what-may I was going to mount my father's and my maternal grandfather's medals in some small display frames that I had.

I labelled each display frame with the recipient's name and rank as well as listing the medals each had been awarded.

In addition I added some details of his service record to my father's display frame as well as his National Fire Service badge and the regimental badge worn by the officers of 53rd (Worcestershire Yeomanry) Airlanding Light Regiment, Royal Artillery.


  1. Tim Gow,

    Thanks. I was rather pleased with how they looked when I had finished. It was well worth the time it took me to do, and I hope to put them on display later this week.

    All the best,


  2. I like the extra touch the commentary adds to the display. Well done.


  3. Jim Duncan,

    The recipients certainly deserved it.

    All the best,


  4. Brigadier Dundas,

    I hope that these medals will be passed on down the family when I die, and I think that it is important to record something about each recipient's service in the Army in order to put the medals into context.

    In time I hope to add a small photograph of my father and grandfather as well as details of my grandfather's service record.

    All the best,



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