

Wednesday 11 April 2012

Over three months into 2012 ... and what have I achieved?

Back in January I set the following objectives for 2012:
  • To fight at least one battle per fortnight during 2012.
  • To paint some toy soldiers ... probably beginning with my Spencer Smith Miniatures!
  • To continue to develop my Imagi-world of 1891 project ... probably by fighting a campaign or two set in it
  • To begin preparations to fight a bath-tub campaign set on the Eastern Front, possibly starting with Operation Barbarossa and just seeing where things go from there.
  • To do some serious writing for THE NUGGET ... and possibly to produce a book of grid-based wargames rules
  • To help to organise COW2012 so that attendees will remember it as being one of the best ever!
So how well am I doing?
  • Well I have managed to fight an average of at least one battle per fortnight so far ...
  • ... but I have yet to paint any of my figures ... especially my Spencer Smith Miniatures!
  • My Imagi-world of 1891 project has yet to make much progress, although the smaller experimental model ships I have been building are intended to be prototypes for ships that I will use in future campaigns.
  • I have begun making preparations for my bath-tub re-fight of Operation Barbarossa. This includes the building a two warships – a German pre-dreadnought and a Soviet dreadnought – and acquiring a lot more Zvezda kits.
  • I have managed to write one article for THE NUGGET ... and still have another that I wrote last year to be published. My book of grid-based wargames rules, on the other hand, is still very much at the ideas stage and has yet to move on to become anything more concrete.
  • Preparations for COW2012 are well underway ... and it shows all the signs of being a memorable conference.
I hope to review my progress at regular intervals throughout the year, knowing in my heart-of-hearts that I might not achieve all my objectives but hoping that I will 'hit' most of them.


  1. I think it's great that you have a plan. I just sit at my painting table and faff about. I may come up with my own quarterly plan for April-June, that's not a bad idea.



  2. Sounds like you're making good progress. I seem to remember making a plan too.......

  3. Good to have plans but not to worry too much if they go adrift at times. I think you are proceeding full steamm ahead- well done!

  4. I have had no plans, and fly by the seat of my pants usually.. makes it more fun to say.. hey.. I did something :)

    That being said, your plans seem to be quite good, and hope you are able to achieve them over the year!

  5. I have always followed the sound advice of my illustrious namesake:
    'I have no plan; I shall be guided by circumstances.'
    Sadly, Ofsted inspectors did not see the wisdom of this position - one of several reasons I quit the classroom...

  6. Well done, Bob. Particularly playing so many games, it seemed to me that prior to that you were trapped in a sort of endless Cold War, building forces that never got used.

    Three cheers for Bob!

  7. Mad Padre,

    I think that this is the first time any of my wargaming 'forward plans' has come anywhere near to fruition! Like you, I usually just sit there and faff about!

    Good luck with your 'forward plan'.

    All the best,


  8. Tim Gow,

    You are MR PLAN ... and I am merely following in your footsteps!

    All the best,


  9. Tradgardmastare,

    I must admit that I surprised myself when I wrote the review of my 'plan'. I only hope that I can carry on trying to maintain the momentum for the rest of the year!

    All the best,


  10. Mr Lee,

    As Homer Simpson and I share a similar size in pants, I can fly by mine as well ... or at least use them as a parachute!

    All the best,


  11. Arthur1815,

    'No plan survives first contact with the enemy' ... which is rather worrying as mine did ... sort of.

    As for Ofsted Inspectors ... well, what do they know about planning ... or anything else, for that matter? You are well out of it.

    All the best,


  12. Conrad Kinch,

    I suspect that your comment/analogy about the 'Cold War' is probably very true. I just never looked at it like that.

    All the best,



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