

Thursday 26 July 2012

Good news!

I have just had a telephone call from the hospital that my father has been in for the last week. He has made such a good recovery that they are going to discharge him later today back into the care of the care home he now lives in.

I must admit that he did look a lot better yesterday when my wife and I visited him (he moaned about the food, which is always a good sign), and the doctor had told us that he wanted to discharge my father as soon as he was capable of walking on his own. He was assessed today ... and during the assessment he got out of his bed and walked out to go to the toilet!

My brother is going over to see my father this evening, and with a bit of luck my wife and I should be able to visit my father in his care home tomorrow.

Good news indeed!


  1. Glad to hear that your father is getting better. Good news indeed!

    Best wishes,
    Luke Hunter

  2. Luke Hunter,

    Many thanks for your best wishes.

    All the best,


  3. Jim Duncan,

    Hearing this news made my day!

    All the best,


  4. Hi Bob,

    Great news! You must be both pleased and relieved.

    All the best,


  5. David Crook,

    Your comment is exactly on the nail!

    I am pleased that he is making such a rapid recovery and relieved that he did not catch any infections whilst he was in the hospital.

    All the best,


  6. Pat G,

    Thanks very much for your good wishes.

    I want to see my father today, and he is already looking much better since he returned to his care home. They think that he may have contracted a chest infection and UTI whilst in hospital, and the home's doctor has prescribed a suitable drug therapy for him.

    All the best,



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