

Monday 17 September 2012

Storing my Memoir '44 stuff

Over recent months I have acquired quite a lot of MEMOIR '44 stuff, and I realised that it was becoming difficult to store. I therefore decided to store everything in some storage boxes from REALLY USEFUL BOXES and S B WESTON that I already owned, as a result of which all my MEMOIR '44 stuff takes up far less room. It is also far more portable than it used to be should I wish to take it to an 'away' wargame.

The terrain boards (two complete 'normal' sets and a 'Breakthrough' set) fit neatly into a REALLY USEFUL 14 litre box.

The playing pieces and the terrain tiles are stored in small WESTONBOXES inside a REALLY USEFUL 9 litre box.

The Command Cards, Dice, and the Card Holders are also stored in small WESTONBOXES inside a REALLY USEFUL 4 litre box.

The rules and scenario booklets fit into a plastic display folder.

The whole lot, when stacked together, looks neat and tidy ... and can be easily carried.


  1. I do love the really useful boxes. I am also starting to love the memoir 44 thing too! Saw it on your blog then found the online version on STEAM for free. I have downloaded it and played several games already and, worryingly, could be easily persuaded to buy a 'hard copy'....gulp!!

  2. Bob, I don't know if you are aware of another gamer using your rules. Here's a post of his:

    -- Jeff

  3. Leofwine Wargamerson,

    The range of different storage solutions available from Really Useful Boxes is wonderful.

    Beware ... MEMOIR '44 can be addictive! Seriously, it is a great game design, and very easy and flexible to use.

    All the best,


  4. Bluebear Jeff,

    Thanks for the link. I will pay it a visit as soon as I can.

    All the best,


  5. The Really Useful Box line is great. I have a .7L one holding all my glow in the dark nerf bullets, and a stack of .3L ones which have had their lids discarded and are currently being painted as sci-fi shipping containers for Infinity, a game that ADORES hexagons on everything.

  6. Arquinsiel,

    This range of storage boxes has so many different uses ... and you have come up with a couple that I had not thought of!

    All the best,



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