

Thursday 25 October 2012

Progress is being made with the Big Battle Portable Wargame: Modern rules

Despite being very busy over the past two days, I have made some progress with drafting the BIG BATTLE PORTABLE WARGAME: MODERN rules.

The progress so far includes:
  • Mountain Artillery has been added to the weapons that are available.
  • The indirect fire has been made less accurate:
  • Die score = 5 or 6: Artillery fire lands on the target square.
  • Die score = 2 or 4: Artillery fire lands in the square immediately in front of the target square.
  • Die score = 1 or 3: Artillery fire lands in the square immediately behind the target square.
  • Increase the D6 die score by 2 if an Artillery Spotter or a Commander has a direct line-of-sight to the target square.
  • The wording of some of the Artillery Fire rules has been changed to accommodate the fact that some Units can be co-located in squares with other Units.
  • All movement distances have been increased by 1 square.
  • Transport Units, Artillery Spotters, and Commanders can start or end their moves in the same square as another Unit.
  • Infantry Weapons have been renamed Infantry Small Arms.
  • Infantry Anti-tank Weapons have been added and they can destroy Tank Units.
  • Mortar Units may only fire at targets that are in direct line-of-sight or are in direct line-of-sight from friendly Units that are in orthogonally adjacent squares or from Artillery Spotters or from Commanders.
  • The wording of the procedure for non-Artillery Unit fire has been amended to allow for more than one Unit to be in the same target square.
I have yet to re-draft the Close Combat section of the rules, but I am giving serious consideration to the points raised by Ross Mac in his recent comment about the draft of PW:M that I sent him.

With a bit of luck (and a long enough block of spare time) I should finish the first draft of BBPW:M by the weekend ... and then the play-testing can begin!


  1. Hi Bob

    I have purchased enough 10mm WW2 figures from Pendraken to make up two 24 unit forces, infantry, support, tanks and artillery and am busy painting them up.

    Would hope to start playtesting soon. On hexes of course!!


  2. Jim Duncan,

    I look forward to seeing your two new armies on the tabletop in the very near future.

    All the best,


  3. Looking forward to seeing the rules.Hexes are great but I do hope the squares will get a look in too.
    Strangely enough I had been looking at Pendraken too of late.Probably with a view to purchase perhaps vbcw...

  4. Tradgardmastare,

    Initially BBPW:M will use squares ... although a version suitable for hexes would not be too difficult to produce once the initial 'squared' draft is finalised.

    All the best,


  5. Bob, I'll give this a run though tonight using David C's "Hell's Highway' scenario, but giving the US an Infantry AT unit with a range of two. I'll post results later.

    Any ideas on "mountain guns" capability?


  6. I have used my large board for VBCW in 6mm (and WW2 in 2mm)and the system works well. The BBPW will be a positive move forward. Mush!

  7. Steven Page,

    Your comment must have arrived just as I was making the first draft of the BIG BATTLE PORTABLE WARGAME: MODERN rules available online. I doubt if you will be able to use them in your 'Hells' Highway' battle, but I hope that you might consider using them for your next battle.

    I look forward to hearing how you refight of 'Hell's Highway' goes.

    All the best,


  8. BC,

    I hope that you will not be too disappointed by BBPW:M. It is a degree more detailed than PW:M ... but that is because it is designed for a somewhat different set of requirements.

    All the best,


  9. Your timing was impeccable, Bob. I just returned from the gym, to find the new version. Nice work, at first read!

  10. Steven Page,

    It is purely serendipitous!

    An evening where there was absolutely nothing worth watching on any of the 100+ cable TV stations available to us meant that a couple of hours suddenly became available ... so I used them to finish the draft of the rules.

    All the best,



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