

Monday 28 January 2013

Adding a naval dimension: slow progress is being made

I had hoped that it would be a fairly easy task to add a naval dimension to my existing BIG BOARD PORTABLE WARGAME: MODERN rules. I had already written a set of naval wargame rules that followed the same format (my PORTABLE NAVAL WARGAME rules) and at first glance it looked as if I could almost use them 'as is' ... but integrating the two sets of rules is a somewhat harder task that I had at first realised.

Progress is therefore being made ... but rather slowly.


  1. That'll be the Schleswig-Holstein above, bombarding at the Poles in 1939.

  2. Jim Duncan,

    Spot on! It is an image of coastal bombardment that has lived with me for almost as long as I can remember.

    All the best,


  3. Sheesh!

    One day and he's apologizing for taking so long....

  4. SAROE,

    Not so much an apology ... more a progress report.

    I am a bit impatient to get it done so that I can begin using them.

    All the best,



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