

Monday 7 January 2013

The Portable Wargame Ancients version: a tentative first draft

Although I am not a great lover of Ancient wargaming (although I can be described as being an ancient wargamer!) I have been mindful of the number of requests I have received for an Ancients version of my PORTABLE WARGAME rules. I have therefore written a tentative first draft of an Ancients version ... and here it is. (Just click on the link to download a PDF version of the rules.)

Please note that these rules have not been play-tested ... but as the basic mechanisms are known to work, they should produce a passable wargame.


  1. Thanks, this just might be suited for my needs.

  2. Tomo,

    I would be interested in any feedback. These rules are still very much a 'work in progress' ... and will need some further development.

    All the best,


  3. I'm glad to see this Bob!

    First read looks good. I'm moving a few figures around now and like the simplicity of the fire rules.

    Close Combat brings up a question. Is it your intent that ALL Units a re rolling for a 4 or better to hit an opponent from the front? With the +1 for Spear-armed Infantry and Heavy Cavalry, that is the end result. I would think that the spear armed infantry and heavy cavalry would have better odds than the missile troops and light cavalry.

    I'll play with this a little tonight and post some tomorrow.

  4. Steven Page,

    Thanks for the feedback ... and for any thoughts that you might have about changes that might need to be made. I know very little about the pre-gunpowder era, so and help would be very welcome.

    All the best,


  5. I will down load today and give it a go at the weekend.

  6. Tradgardmastare,

    Please let me have any feedback. I am way out of my comfort zone with these rules so any help will be very welcome.

    All the best,


  7. I know the difficulty to fit in one rules a large period of time, but after a first read my thoughts are:
    - The range of missiles is too high for me, and if we add javelins not more than one grid ( If that would make the missile troops too weak it can be used the reaction fire when they are charged)
    - Maybe it could be some more troops, for example, infantry with sword or axe, pikes or long spears, skirmishers (even elephants or chariots)
    - Add some modifiers in case of cavalry un melee with pikes
    Well, it is my quick consideration about your first draft but , as you say, it would be interesting that more people with knowledge about this period could provide more ideas.
    On the other hand maybe just one rules for the hole ancient period it could be better to split it in several periods. For example: From 2000 to 700 BC (Pre Roman period) , From 700 BC to 500 AD (Greek-Roman period), From 500 to 1000 (Dark ages), From 1000 to 1300 (Feudal), From 1300 to 1490 (Late Medieval).
    And Finally what about XVI century?
    Thanks and Best Regards,

  8. Carles,

    I admire your enthusiasm ... but I am still trying to learn to crawl and you seem to be planning for me to run a marathon!

    Seriously, I see the current draft of the rules as a first tentative step towards developing a set of PORTABLE WARGAME: ANCIENTS rules that people can then develop and add to as they wish. My knowledge of the period is limited … and one reason why I have never developed an interest in the period was the complexity that wargame designers seem to introduce into rules for fighting battles from the Ancient period. To me a bloke on a horse with a lance and some armour is exactly that … and not a Light Medium Armoured Cavalryman … or was that a Medium Light Armoured cavalryman?

    As to missiles used by Ancient troops … well I have fired a bow and arrow and thrown a javelin and I know which of the two went further … by quite some distance!

    I suspect that these rules are going to take some time to develop … and that much of that will be done by people other than me. I am just lighting the fuze …

    All the best,


  9. Hi Bob,
    After last nights test drive, I have a few ideas, mostly based on Morschauser.

    1) Divide Infantry into Heavy Melee, Unarmored Melee, and Missile. SP's are 4,3,and 3 respectively. (This makes HI more "expensive" but longer lasting). Movement stays the same at 2 MP. Close combat: Heavy and Unarmored Inf hit on 4 or better, Missiles in CC hit on 5,6.

    Cavalry will be Heavy, Light and Light/Missile.SP will be 4,3,and 3 respectively. Here I will throw out a heretical thought:Make movement 3 MP for all cavalry, BUT allow Light Cavalry to move DIAGONALLY as well.(This to represent better maneuverability). Close Combat: Heavy Cavalry hits on 4 or better, Light Cavalry on 5,6.

    At the scale we are playing, I wouldn't worry about javelins, considering them to be part of the effect of Close Combat.

    Chariots can probably be played as the appropriate style of cavalry,with a few tweaks.

    I think you are off to a good start, and I'm glad to see Carles here, as he has given me some good ideas to work with on my English Civil War rules.

    I will try to run a Caesar/Britons game tonight, and post some feedback.

  10. Steven Page,

    Thanks for the fast and very helpful feedback,

    Having had a chance to try the rules out for myself (and to correct the error I made!), I can see the sense in your suggestions. I will try to incorporate them in the next draft of the rules.

    Good luck with your battle tonight.

    All the best,



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