

Monday 8 April 2013

The Fool on the Hill: an apology

Wg Cdr Luddite has sent me the following apology:
'I would like to apologise publicly and most sincerely for upsetting you so much at this time in your life.
Don't give up blogging Bob, the wargaming world needs you more than it needs people like me.
I really need help with my alcohol dependency.
In my opinion it takes real guts to admit that you have made a mistake ... and that you have a problem with alcohol. I am very pleased to accept this apology, and I sincerely hope that Wg Cdr Luddite will seek help to overcome his problem. I also think that he deserves our support. His is not going to be an easy path to recovery, but he has taken the first (and most difficult) step along it.

I wish him well, and hope that he manages to take the next step.


  1. Well said. Both of you. I hate it when my friends argue.

  2. Tim Gow,

    I think that Wg Cdr Luddite deserves the credit. He extended the hand of friendship ... and I was pleased to grasp it!

    All the best,


  3. I am delighted by this positive outcome.

  4. Pats on the back for both of you as well as a guiding hand in the wheelhouse.

    A steady course is required, gentleman, and full steam ahead!

  5. Good to hear Bob! Forgiveness is the key. I mirror Mr. Duncan's comment ... Jeff

  6. Tradgardmastare,

    I am very pleased with the outcome ... and full marks to Wg Cdr Luddite for taking the initiative to sort things out.

    All the best,


  7. Jim Duncan,

    My thanks go to Wg Cdr Luddite for starting the reconciliation.

    As you state ... what is now required is full speed ahead and a steady course.

    All the best,


  8. Well done and blessings to you both.

  9. Chasseur (Jeff),

    It is indeed good news, and I am very grateful to Wg Cdr Luddite for extending the hand of friendship, and thus making the whole process of reconciliation possible.

    All the best,


  10. Great courage indeed from your contributor - which is worthy of respect. May I also note your generosity of spirit in the middle of a very difficult time for you personally. All of us at times need the forgiveness and support of those around us - it takes true humility to seek it, and great courage also to embrace it. My best regards to both of you - and good wishes for the road ahead to your contributor.

  11. Michael Patterson,

    It is great news ... and also a great relief.

    All the best,


  12. Ken H,

    I don't know if I could have done what Wg Cdr Luddite did ... and that is one reason why I think that he deserves our support.

    I am coming to terms with the grief I felt when my father died, and in some ways the initial anger that Wg Cdr Luddite's comment engendered within me helped me. That might sound surprising, but my emotions were all bottled up inside me, and feeling anger helped to release them. I had not realised that at the time ... but I do now.

    The Wg Cdr and i are now reconciled, and we can now both move forward with our lives.

    All the best,


  13. Bob

    You're a better man than I am, Gunga Din. I'm generally growing less tolerant of un-gentlemanly behaviour in our noble hobby anyway, but had someone been so disparaging to me, say this February past, I can't say I'd be as willing to reconcile as you have been. My compliments on your even temper, especially in these difficult times.

    Dr V

  14. Bob
    I know only too well what you mean - my incident three years ago was an unwelcome phone call - which resulted in an astonishing outflowing of anger and grief - which I'd never experienced before or since. I think it was cathartic ( is thaty the word) but I did move on afterwards.
    I'd also like you - and indeed the other bloggers - to know what a difference the blogs make. I dont comment frequently, but I live on the edge of the yorkshire dales - north of skipton with no local wargames chums. You, Tim Gow, Trebian, David Crook and a few others keep me engaged and enthused. I feel as though if I bumped into you chaps at a show - it would be like meeting an old chum. I knwo it isnt - but for those of us in the middle of nowhere, blogs keep wargaming relevant and pirposeful. I've discovered axis and allies, portable wargame, "off beat" kit painting ( Tim Gow's fault I'm afraid), and lots more just by casually reading your blogs over a glass of wine each evening. My favourite bloggers are a great bunch of "friends" - dont any of you give up!! ( sorry to hijack the post - but hopefully I speak for many who dont often make this point)

  15. I have no idea what this is about but it looks like a good outcome so carry on all!

  16. Dr Vesuvius,

    I have spent most of my working life in tough inner-city schools, and it taught me to keep my anger under control ... most of the time.

    I inherited my mother's fiery temper (when I explode, I EXPLODE!) and my father's physique ... which could have been a recipe for disaster if my father had not taught me to box, and to therefore channel my aggression. With that I also developed strategies to control my anger ... but sometimes I forget to use them.

    My father's death led me to forget ... and I actually feel ashamed that one of the first things I did after his death was to forget what he taught me.

    All the best,


  17. Ken H,

    The cathartic effect of losing ones temper can be tremendous ... as long as it does not impact on other people. (My wife - Sue - is a saint for just living with me at those times.)

    I can understand what you mean when you describe blogging in the way that you do. I live in South East London ... but have no wargamers that I know of living nearby, and the local clubs are all big ones that are more like work than fun.

    Over the Internet I have built up a network of people whose opinions, ideas, and wargames I enjoy reading about, and who I would love to meet 'in the flesh', should the opportunity ever arise. I number you amongst that group, along with all my other regular readers and commenters.

    All the best,


  18. Phil Broeders,

    Just look back a few blog entries and it will all make sense.

    All the best,


  19. Well done both of you. A good result. I don't know the Wing Commander, but that takes a lot of guts to admit that online. My very best wishes to you both.

  20. Well done to Wing Cdr Luddite for extending his apologies and my best wishes to him in battling his alcohol dependency. I've known a number of addicts over the years and beating an addiction is hard work.

    And good on you for keeping going and accepting the apology with grace.

  21. Sidney Roundwood,

    I am very pleased that the situation has been resolved, although all the credit must go to Wg Cdr Luddite for making the apology and admitting that he has a problem.

    All the best,


  22. TamsinP,

    I had the easy part of the process. Accepting an apology doesn't take the sort of courage that Wg Cdr Luddite showed when he made his apology and admitted that he had a problem.

    I think that all of us wish him well, and hope that he will be able to overcome his addiction.

    All the best,


  23. Thanks for all the encouragement, especially to Bob.

    I now have a plan in place which involves not making drunken posts on t'internet.

  24. Wg Cdr Luddite,

    It is good to hear from you ... and to hear that you have already taken steps to sort out your problem.

    Anyone who did what you did deserves all the support we can give you.

    All the best,


  25. Arthur,

    Cheers! It was a good result all round.

    All the best,



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