

Saturday 22 June 2013

My latest Funny Little Wars recruits

The recent spate of blog entries about the half-size Funny Little Wars battles that have been fought in Sheffield by Tim Gow and Martin Rapier has encouraged me to think about staging some similar battles. I have quite a few artillery pieces and four infantry regiments (and some cavalry) in my Cordeguayan Funny Little Wars army, but most of the toy soldiers are plastic Britains Deetail figures ... and these have a tendency to fall over rather too easily if the terrain is not very flat. I have, therefore, been looking for some additional, all-metal figures to supplement my existing collection.

The Cordeguayan Funny Little Wars army is almost exclusively made up of American Civil War and Wild West figures, and I decided that the most obvious thing for me to do was to look for metal Britains figures that would fit in with my existing figures ... and discovered that the company had produced a range of US Marines in ceremonial dress (dark blue jackets, light blue trousers, white peaked cap) and sets of these figures were available at reasonable prices on eBay ... so I bought some!

So far I have bought a box of six marching US Marines ...

... and a box with eight marching figures and two standard bearers.

I am on the lookout for some more of these figures so that I can field at least one large 'regiment' of marines for full-size Funny Little War battles ... which will also allow me to have a small 'brigade' for half-sized FLW ones.


  1. Bob,

    I'm not personally interested in "Funny Little Wars" stuff, but I did notice a while back that the Virtual Armchair General has some neat stuff for FLW.

    I particularly noted the paper models that you can get as very inexpensive PDF files for cars and boats and stuff. Here's a link:

    He also has other FLW stuff as well.

    -- Jeff

  2. Bluebear Jeff,

    Thanks for the link.

    I knew that the Virtual Armchair General had some FLW stuff available, but not quite how much. The paper models do look rather interesting, and have given me a few ideas of my own.

    All the best,


  3. Classic figures! They should make a fine addition.

  4. Ross Mac,

    There are more to come!

    I have just ordered some Highlanders and some Line Infantry, and with luck will soon have a small Army Red to field!

    All the best,


  5. My 54mm figures are mostly plastic too, but I avoid the tendency for them to fall over on rough terrain by sticking them to bigger bases. Some come with pretty big bases anyway, but others don't and it seems to help.

  6. Martin Rapier,

    Thanks for the tip. Most of my latest FLW figures are metal, but I would like to make my plastic figures as stable as the metal ones. What do you use to glue the figures to the bases?

    All the best,



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