

Wednesday 5 June 2013

Preparing for COW: the map is finished

The biggest problem I have had to solve as part of my preparations for my session at COW2013 (Operation Vijay) has been to get hold of suitable map of Goa. Despite my best efforts, I just could not buy one 'of the shelf' and all the online maps were far too small. In the end I had to just sit down and draw my own ... and after spending most of the day on this task, I have finally finished!

Click on the map to see it as a larger image.

I will need to get it printed as large as possible, and my local printer tells me that he should be able to do that without too much difficulty. All I have to do is to convert the image into a PDF and his specialist plan printer will do the rest.


  1. Cartography is a skill I wish I had. I am impressed with your efforts.

  2. Arquinsiel,

    I just do my best with the resources I have. That, plus lots of practice (and a LOT of mistakes when I started) has got me to where I am now.

    In this case I started with a tracing of the basic outline that I scanned into MS Paint. I tidied it up ... and then added the towns and railway station, followed by the roads and railways. The last job was to add the names.

    Give it a try yourself. You will be surprised how good you can get in a very short time.

    All the best,


  3. You did that in Paint?

    Very impressive.



  4. Very nice job. Hope it all goes well on the day.

    Best wishes,

  5. Pete,

    I drew the make using MS Paint. It is a very simple program to us, and - in my opinion - much underrated.

    All the best,


  6. Fitzg-Badger,

    Thanks. I was quite pleased with the result.

    It would have been nice to have added colour, but the plan printer could not reproduce it.

    All the best,


  7. Prufrock (Aaron),

    Many thanks. I hope that it will all work on the day ... and I will certainly do a blog entry about it afterwards.

    All the best,



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