

Friday 24 January 2014

A charming dinner guest

After attending the ComSim guest session at King's College, London yesterday, I met up with Tim Gow outside Westminster underground station. He had telephoned me late last week to say that he was going to be in London overnight, and my wife and I decided to invite him to dinner, which he accepted.

Our journey from Westminster to North Greenwich was not too arduous, although the tube train was quite crowded for most of the time we were aboard it. Having picked up my car from the North Greenwich tube station car park, the drive home took just over ten minutes, and not long after 5.30pm we were sat in our living room drinking tea, and chatting about life in general and wargaming in particular.

One topic that we did discuss was COW2014. Tim outlined his ideas for this year's plenary game ... and I agreed to help provide some of the stuff that will be needed. (My lips are sealed as to the nature of the game but I am sure that the participants will enjoy it no end.) We also talked about running a possible singalong session that was related to the outbreak of the First World War. In the past Jim Roche has run two such sessions and they have been very popular. (Jim's sessions were about the Second World War, but he has developed a session format that attracts attendees, all of whom enjoy taking part.)

During his visit I was able to pass on several surplus bits and pieces to Tim (several books and half a dozen model trucks) and to show him my collection of Britains 54mm painted toy soldiers. He reckoned that I have enough figures to easily field a FUNNY LITTLE WARS Army Red division that would include an entire Black Watch brigade and a mixed Guards/Highland brigade ... and still have a significant number of troops available to form lines-of-communication units.

Unfortunately Tim had to return to his hotel in Kensington not long after we had eaten dinner, but his visit was a welcome change for our normal routine and a great way to end a very interesting day.


  1. WE must see you in action against Forbodia sometime with your Army Red chaps...

  2. Tradgardmastare,

    One day - perhaps - they will meet the Forbodian hordes on the Field of Mars ... and when they do, I hope that you will be there to see it!

    All the best,


  3. Thanks again for your hospitality - and all the gifts! So far four of the lorries have been passed on to Martin R.

  4. Tim Gow,

    It was a real pleasure to see you ... and I am very pleased to hear that the lorries have a new (and hopefully pleased) owner.

    All the best,


  5. Pleased? Of course! You can never have too many lorries you know.....

  6. Tim Gow,

    I seem to remember hearing that said by someone somewhere else at some time ...

    All the best,



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