

Sunday 6 April 2014

All work and no play

I may have thought that the work needed to get our conservatory back into full commission was almost done ... but I was wrong.

It has taken my wife and I all day to move the stuff that we used to store in the conservatory back in there, sorting out what we needed to get rid of as we went. It turned out to be a lot more than either of use had expected, and we have only just finished. We still have dispose of the large cardboard storage boxes and packing material we used, but some friends of ours are also doing some work on their house, and we will be passing everything on to them during the early part of next week.

I have been so busy that I have not been able to spend any time today even thinking about wargaming, but hopefully this situation will change as the week progresses. At that point I hope that 'normal service will be resumed as soon as possible'!

Just how many of my regular blog readers remember that phrase being used on Britain's TV broadcasting systems over the years?

Quite a few, I suspect.


  1. I remember the 'little white dot' disappearing at the days broadcasts.

  2. I missed out 'end of' the days broadcasts.


  3. Jim Duncan,

    That was just after 'The Epilogue' if memory serves me correctly!

    All the best,


  4. Jim Duncan,

    Do TVs still do that when you switch them off? I must try to remember to look when I switch off tonight!

    All the best,


  5. We have a new shed coming in the next couple of weeks and then we will have to move everything from the garage into it. Not looking forward to is!

  6. Bob

    I think the little white dot went at the same time as cathode ray TV sets or maybe it was the analogue to digital switchover.

    History now!

  7. Legatus Hedlius,

    Are you intending just to move everything from the garage to the shed or are you going to have a sort out as you do it? The former is easier than the latter ... but you will be amazed how much stuff you will discover that you own that you have forgotten all about.

    All the best,


  8. Jim Duncan,

    I suspect that you are right. Now that everyone has digital flat screen TVs it is easy to forget the 'joys' of the old cathode ray-tube receivers.

    All the best,


  9. Don't forget the shipping forecast on Radio 4 and the tune they played - what was it called?

  10. Tradgardmastare,

    The BBC 'Shipping Forecast', with its attendant rendering of 'Sailing By' - followed by the 'National Anthem' - still end Radio 4 broadcasts each day.

    I also remember the World Service of the BBC playing 'Lillibullero' each night. (One of the few 'benefits' of being an insomniac was listening to the BBC World Service.)

    All the best,



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