

Thursday 28 August 2014

The adventures of Tintin

I have always been a fan of HergĂ©'s TINTIN stories, and when Steven Spielberg and Peter Jackson produced a motion-capture film based on three of the books – THE CRAB WITH THE GOLDEN CLAWS, THE SECRET OF THE UNICORN, and RED RACKHAM'S TREASURE – I looked forward to seeing it when it was released. For a variety of reasons this never happened, and until today I had never seen the film.

When I saw a DVD copy of the film on sale for £3.00 in a local supermarket I bought it and I have now had the chance to watch it ... and I have thoroughly enjoyed it.

I understand that at least one sequel is planned, and if they are made I will certainly go to see them!


  1. I really enjoyed the film and thought they did a great job of melding the stories you mentioned into something reasonably coherent. I too am ready for a sequel.

  2. I rather enjoyed it myself. It seems that if you grew up reading Tintin then this hit the spot, and if you didn't.... it really didn't.

  3. I seem to remember it didn't receive v favourable reviews when it came out. I am however a great fan of Tintin. My brother and I had all the books 40 odd years ago and they were read until they nearly disintegrated. They were subsequently replaced when my girls were born and re-read all over again. They also enjoyed the cartoon series. I also have on VHS video somewhere a copy of a Tintin animated movie from the 60's. If there is a sequel count me in!


  4. I had never read Tintin, but knew a bit about the character, so i jumped on the DVD at the bargain store.

    Spike and I thoroughly enjoyed both the story, and its beautiful presentation. I laughed hard enough to pull some rib cage muscles....

  5. Sean, Arquinsiel, Guy, and Steven Page,

    It sounds as if we are all Tintin fans!

    My favourite stories are the BROKEN EAR and the ones set in Syldavia and Borduria ... and I would love to see them turned into films like this one.

    We can but hope.

    All the best,



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