

Saturday 15 November 2014

Uniforms of the Warsaw Pact

On my way back from posting the latest copy of THE NUGGET out to members of Wargame Developments, I paid a visit to Falconwood Transport and Military Bookshop (5 Falconwood Parade, The Green, Welling, Kent, DA16 2PL). On display they had a second-hand copy of ARMY, NAVY & AIR FORCE UNIFORMS OF THE WARSAW PACT ... so I bought it.

The book was written by Friedrich Wiener, and the English-language edition was published by Arms and Armour Press in 1978 (ISBN 0 85368 252 6). The uniforms of each of the WARPAC countries (USSR, Bulgaria, German Democratic Republic, Poland, Romania, Czechosolvakia, Hungary, and Yugoslavia) are described and illustrated with a number of photographs and some line drawings. There are also a number of colour plates at the back of the book.

What struck me as quite interesting was the fact that several of the former WARPAC countries no longer exist or have become members of NATO, and this book has added interest for me because of that.


  1. It's a great book, I've owned it since some time in the 80s

  2. Nice little find and purchase. Not seen it myself but if its anything like a Napoleonic version I believe I still own then it'll be a great source of uniforms etc.

  3. Don M,

    It fills a niche in my collection ... and was very reasonably prices as well.

    All the best,


  4. A very useful book - with the added bonus that it takes up very little shelf space!

  5. Blaxkleric,

    I would recommend this book to anyone who has an interest in 1960s to 1980s military history or wargames set during that period. It certainly contains enough information for anyone who wants to paint a WARPAC army.

    All the best,


  6. Tim Gow,

    It is a slim volume ... but it is packed with useful information!

    All the best,


  7. Bob you inspired me to dig this out:

  8. Don M,

    I had never seen that document before - although I assumed something like it existed - and thoroughly enjoyed looking through it on your blog.

    Thank you for sharing it with the rest of the blogosphere.

    All the best,



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