

Monday 26 January 2015

Bob's 'Two of the World's Fighting Ships'

Last night I finished painting my two Rams ... and here they are!

I chose to paint them in a version of the colour scheme used by many navies during the late Victorian era even though painting them grey would have been much easier! With luck they should end up facing each other in battle early this week ... other commitments permitting.


  1. These look great. I'm looking forward to seeing them in action.

  2. Ross Mac,

    To my mind they do look so much better now that they are painted.

    I had hoped to run a play-test battle (or even two or three) today ... but I really need to tidy up my toy/wargames room first to make space to set up the Hexon II terrain, and I have a meeting to go to on the border of Hertfordshire and Cambridgeshire this afternoon. The former will take a couple of hours, and the journey to my meeting will take at least ninety minutes ... so I have a rather crowded time ahead of me before I can run the first play-test.

    All the best,


  3. Simple and effective, Bob. I do like them :O)

    Regards, Chris

  4. Your original idea inspired me on similar lines - but I actually found a source of Monopoly Battleship tokens on e-Bay, each about an inch and a quarter long, for about 50p each (at the time). The first squadron is in ther middle of painting now...

  5. Archduke Piccolo,

    I am very pleased with the way these two models looked once they were painted. They are even better than I had hoped.

    All the best,


  6. Chris Kemp,

    I am very happy with the way these two model ships turned out. They are worthy additions to my fleet of model warships.

    All the best,


  7. Ian Dury,

    The Monopoly tokens would be ideal for using with Lieutenant Chamberlain's rules ... or even my own bastardised version of them.

    Good luck with your miniature fleets.

    All the best,


  8. Well done, Bob. You have talent for effectively capturing the look of the old ships without getting bogged down in the details.


  9. Corporal_Trim,

    Thank you for your kind comment. I am not sure if it is a talent, but I take my inspiration for simple ship models that are recognisable as to what they represent from the models used in Fred Jane's Naval War Game. All extraneous details were omitted, but the main recognition features were somewhat exaggerated.

    All the best,


  10. Bob,
    Although I'm not a great admirer of tin cans hurling shells at each other - prper warships have sails and broadsides! - your models are splendid for their purpose - and will look very good on the seascape.
    You make an interesting point about omitting extraneous details and focusing on main recognition features - Wellington made a similar point regarding the shape of men's caps and cock-tailed horses being identifiable at distance, when colours were indistinguishable. Modern manufacturers of toy soldiers, however don't seem to have followed this principle - unless one counts the over-large shakos and plumes on Adler 6mm.

  11. Arthur1815,

    Sails and broadsides! Too unpredictable for my liking!

    I think the Iron Duke was right. At a distance where most colours become indistinct, different silhouettes remain distinguishable. With ironclads Fred Jane stated that it was the size, shape, and number of funnels and masts that were the distinguishing features that were most visible at a distance.

    All the best,



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