

Thursday 5 November 2015

Larry Brom has died

Last night Lori and Christy Brom passed on the news that their father – Larry Brom – had died. The text of the announcement on The Miniatures Page was as follows:
Dad died this morning of a heart attack. He was talking and laughing with his nurse and then he was gone. Other than being at a wargame table, rolling D-6's, this was a good way for him to go.

We will gather this weekend in New Orleans at Colonial Barracks and remember, roll dice and tell stories of battles past, all the while thinking of Larry Brom and the hobby he loved so much. And if anyone, anywhere, is around a game table, please raise a glass to the one who gave us "The Sword and The Flame"

"Good job, Bugler"

Lori and Christy Brom
I never met Larry, but when he was in the process of preparing the 20th Anniversary edition of his famous Colonial wargame rules THE SWORD AND THE FLAME, we exchanged a number of emails about designing rules ... and he was kind enough to mention me in the Acknowledgments that were published in the rules.

It is a testament to the excellence of his original rules that they are still used by a large number wargamers.

Larry will be missed by a lot of people, and I want to publicly record my condolences to his family. Larry was proud to have served in the US Marine Corps, so my final words are that Corps' motto ...


  1. We all live on through the lives we touch, and he has touched many and will continue to do so for many years to come......Not a bad epitaph.

  2. Don M,

    You are spot on; that is not a bad epitaph at all.

    As we say in Freemasonry ... 'live respected and die regretted'. Larry Brom certainly did that, and gave to life than he ever took out.

    All the best,


  3. A.W.Kitchen (Tony),

    Very true. He will be greatly missed.

    All the best,


  4. A true gentleman, always encouraging others and leading by example. An inspiration. I'm glad I not only had the chance to chat with him a couple of times but also had the chance to face him across a table and roll dice. Adversity did not diminish him but merely added luster.

  5. Kev,

    I always thought that Larry's rules were well written, easy to follow, and fun to use. The fact that they are still being used so long after they were first published is proof of their excellence.

    All the best,


  6. Ross Mac,

    I wish that I had met Larry and taken part in one of his battles. He always struck me as being a real gentleman when we exchanged emails, and your comments reinforce that view.

    He will be missed.

    All the best,


  7. Larry was in the Korean War and in the retreat (advance in another direction) from the Chosin Reservoir. He lost part of a foot due to that experience. I knew Larry since the early days of The Courier, when he sent in many articles and our wargame group (NEWA) play tested early versions of TSATF. I had the pleasure of meeting him across the table at many conventions and it was always a fun time with one of the great gentlemen of the hobby. I will miss him

  8. Dick Bryant,

    I knew that Larry had been a US Marine and had seen combat, but not that taken part in the Korean War.

    As I wrote in reply to Ross Mac, I only communicated with Larry by email, but always felt that I was dealing with what I would call 'a good bloke'. He was always courteous and very knowledgeable, and we shared a passion for Colonial wargaming. I will always regret never having met him ... but if there is wargamer's Valhalla, then perhaps I will be lucky enough to meet him there.

    All the best,



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