

Saturday 10 September 2016

Gibraltar National Day

Today is Gibraltar National Day. It is the official national day of the British overseas territory of Gibraltar, and it is celebrated every year on 10th September.

The date was chosen because it was on 10th September 1967 that Gibraltar held its first sovereignty referendum when voters were asked if they wished to remain a self-governing territory under British sovereignty or to pass under Spanish sovereignty.

95.67% of the population voted in the referendum, of which 99.64% (12,138) voted to remain under British sovereignty. Of the votes that were not cast in favour, 44 were in favour of passing under Spanish sovereignty and 55 were spoilt (i.e. blank or otherwise invalid).

Sue and I have never been in Gibraltar on National Day, but we have been there in the run-up to it. Everywhere seems to be decorated with Gibraltar’s national colours – red and white – and there seemed to be flags and bunting in profusion. We both hope that the people have a great day of celebrations ... and that they can look forward to many more!

Above: Preparations for Gibraltar National Day in Grand Casemates Square.
Below: The slogan on the flag reads 'Self-determination is our right'.


  1. I like Gib when I served in the RN it was your first !Foreign! port on your way out to the Med or the Far East and usually your last coming back home. Spent over 6 months their while doing underwater trials on HMS Penelope in the early 70s

    1. Johntheone,

      My wife and I love Gibraltar. One of her ancestors was born there in the mid eighteenth century, and we like to walk around the back streets of the older part of town.

      All the best,


  2. Xaltotun of Python,

    Gibraltar manages to cram a lot into a small amount of space, and is well worth visiting.

    One of our favourite activities is sitting outside the 'Angry Friar' pub whilst watching the guard changed outside the Governor's Residence.

    All the best,


  3. Hello Bob - This has nothing to do with Gib, but I thought you'd like to know The Works are now selling those mounted figures - that you featured a few posts ago - for £1 each now...
    Regards, Stuart

    1. Stuart Asquith,

      Drat! I was close to a branch of THE WORKS this morning ... and didn't go in! Thanks for letting me know that they are still on sale; at £1.00 each they are an absolute bargain!

      All the best,



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