

Monday 27 February 2017

I have been to ... Cavalier

Yesterday I paid a visit to CAVALIER, the annual wargames show that is held in Tonbridge, Kent. It was organised by the Tunbridge Wells Wargames Society, and took place in the Angel Centre, which is not far from the main shopping street of the town. I arrived early, and as a result finding a nearby parking space was easy. I was inside the venue by just after 9.45am, fifteen minutes before the doors opened.

The Main Sports Hall contained most of the trade stands, ...

... with the smaller Medway Hall providing a venue for most of the demonstration/participation games ...

... and the 'bring and buy' area.

The Jubilee Room was also used, and the Society of Ancients had a stand just outside the door.

One of the main reasons I go to shows like CAVALIER is to catch up with other wargame bloggers, and this show was no exception. Soon after I arrived I was able to meet and chat with (from left to right) Big Lee, Ray Rousell, Postie (of Postie's Rejects), and David Crook.

I then spent some time looking at the various games that were taking place at the show, starting with those in the Main Sports Hall.

D-Day: Operation Overlord (Crawley Wargames Club)

Holding up the traffic: Prudka, Poland, 1939 (Deal Wargames Club)

The Restless Dead (SEEMS)

Stalingrad: As above, so below (Friday Night Firefight Club)

Freikorps und Spartacist: German Civil War 1919-1929 (Hailsham Wargames Club)

Blood, Bilge and Iron Balls (Rainham Wargames Club)

Fenris Descending (Maidstone Wargames Society)

Four Days Battle, 1666 (Southend Wargames Club)

Star Wars X-Wing (Gravesend Gamers Guild)

Vietnam, 1967: Operation Kittyhawk (North London Wargames Group)

Warhammer: Age of Sigmar (Tonbridge Wargaming Club)

Cannae, 216 (Society of Ancients)

Calvados and Chips (The Anti-Alchemists)

It was another great little show, and although I came away empty-handed, I really enjoyed my time there.


  1. Bob,
    Thanks for showing us the Venue and Games in such detail - wish there was something like CAVALIER here. Sure there wan't something on the Bring & Buy that did take your fancy? Cheers. KEV.

    1. Kev Robertson,

      During the year there are a number of small wargames shows that take place within an hour's drive of where I live.

      Unfortunately the 'bring and buy' seemed to be dominated by loads of Warhammer stuff or over-priced 15mm FOW figures and tanks, with the odd bit of terrain thrown in for good measure. Nothing to tickle my fancy, I am afraid. Now had there been a small 15mm Colonial or Franco-Prussian War army on sale, that would have been a completely different kettle of fish!

      All the best,


  2. Agree about the bring and buy. These generally seem to be dominated by old Warhammery and 40k stuff. I guess eBay has killed the market. I enjoyed Cavalier as's a nice size for a show and relatively local.

    1. Alastair,

      I must admit that I wonder why shows still run them. I understand that there is a demand for them, but I have yet to visit one where I thought that what was on sale was accessible to potential buyers to view in some degree of comfort (usually there is a rampart of people, often with rucksacks, between me and what is on show) and where prices were not ridiculously high. I have sold painted figures on eBay, and been grateful if I could get the value of the unpainted casting back. Nowadays some sellers seem to think that unless they are getting top prices for their figures, they are being 'cheated' by the buyers.

      All the best,


  3. Nice pictures Bob, interesting to see the selection of games on down south.

    The high level DDay game caught my eye. Did you get to play it?



    1. Pete.,

      The D-Day game looked very nice, and appealed to me. Unfortunately I was unable to take part in it as I became unwell not long after arriving in Tonbridge. (The last remnants of a bad cold that I seem to be unable to shake off made themselves felt, and I went home somewhat earlier than I had planned to.)

      All the best,


  4. Hello Bob. Thanks for posting the report. I rarely, if ever get to shows due to work/family commitments. As such, reports like yours are especially interesting for me. I must admit, I used to look forward to the bring and buy, but as you say, they have changed and offer little interest outside of Warhammer stuff. Thank you again for the report - almost felt like I was there!

    1. Jonyoak,

      I am pleased that you enjoyed reading my all-too-brief report. I would have loved to have had time to take more photographs, but unfortunately I began to feel unwell and had to go home.

      In my opinion the advent of sites like eBay has pretty well rendered bring-and-buys at wargames shows redundant, but I still take a look at what's on sale ... just in case!

      All the best,


  5. Great to meet up once again Bob, and thanks for the book!!

    1. Ray Rousell,

      It was my pleasure on both counts! I hope to see you all again soon.

      All the best,



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