

Friday 9 June 2017

Latest book sales statistics

A couple of days ago updated the sales statistics for my books. They tend to do this once each month when the sale figures from Amazon, Barnes & Noble etc., come through.

To date I have sold 690 books, with sales of the various versions of THE PORTABLE WARGAME making up by far and away the largest portion of the total.

One thing that I am considering doing is producing eBook and hardback versions of WHEN EMPIRES CLASH! I doubt that they will sell very well, but doing so would sort of round off the range of books I have written and published to date. It is certainly something for me to think about doing over the coming weeks and months, especially as would not take me very long to do.


  1. Very well done, Robert! Interesting that PB has seen the same number of sales for both ebook and paperback. Are these sales from the same buyers?

    1. Jonathan Freitag,

      It was a surprise to me to find that the sales of the eBook and paperback versions of the PW book were exactly the same.

      I know that quite a few purchasers bought the eBook first and then bought a printed version. What I don't know is how many of them bought the hardback or softback versions.

      All the best,


  2. Hi Bob,

    I would certainly be in for an electronic and hardback version of WEC so let me know when this happens! I am really excited about the whole Portable thing and as mentioned will be using them for a few ideas I shall be developing whilst i am away.

    All the best,


    1. David Crook,

      If a long enough time slot is available over the next week, I'll certainly give it a go ... and will let you know if I do.

      All the best,


  3. That's very respectable for a book in our sphere. Well done Bob.

    1. Conrad Kinch,

      The figures are surprisingly good considering the fact that I've done no marketing other than mention the rules on my blog, and the book has yet to be reviewed in the wargames press.

      All the best,


    2. Bob, the myriad of perspectives presented in the blogosphere make us the Wargames Press. I find blog content just as interesting and insightful as the traditional media. Often updated much more frequently too! I have read several reviews of your book on blogs and news travels fast.

    3. Jonathan Freitag,

      I suppose that you are right. The combined daily output from wargame-related blogs easily contains more information etc., that all the monthly colour magazines combined ... and as you write in your comment, it is always very up to date.

      All the best,


  4. That's very respectable for a book in our sphere!

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