

Monday 26 February 2018

A great Saturday ... but an awful Sunday

Sue and I enjoyed our trip to Bristol. The hotel we stayed in on Friday night was excellent value, their restaurant produced some very good food, and we both slept well. On Saturday I went to the Masonic meeting – which I thoroughly enjoyed – and the after-meeting meal was one of the best I have ever eaten after a Masonic function.

Just after 4.00pm we left Bristol to return home, and the journey was only marred by the fact that I seemed to be developing a rather sore throat, my eyes were beginning to itch, and I kept feeling very hot or shivering. In fact by the time we arrived home just after 7.15pm, it was obvious that I was coming down with a heavy cold, and by I was asleep.

I was supposed to be going to the CAVALIER wargames show in Tonbridge on Sunday, but when I awoke on Sunday morning, I felt awful. The cold had developed overnight, and all I wanted to do was to stay still, keep warm, and not to venture outside into the freezing cold. Unfortunately we had to go shopping on Sunday morning for some food, and driving to the local shops and back confirmed my decision that going to Tonbridge was not a good idea.

Feeling unwell did give me the excuse to sit in from of the TV all afternoon and into the early evening watching THE BRIDGE AT REMAGEN, A BRIDGE TOO FAR, and WHERE EAGLES DARE. It was almost as if the TV channel knew I was going to be ill and would need something to keep my fevered brain semi-active!

I did everything that one is supposed to do when one has a cold. I took aspirin to deal with the headache and to reduce the fever (I cannot take paracetamol as I am allergic to the substance they add to make you vomit if you take too many!), and I drank lots of fluids. It certainly relieved the worst of the symptoms, and by this morning I was feeling somewhat better. As I write – however – it is snowing outside, and before I can take it easy today I have to get the salt and shovel out of the garden store ... just in case I need to use it as the week progresses.


  1. BOB,
    Nothing worse than a bad cold/flu...take it easy there whilst the snow falls outside- keep rugged up and warm. Here is to a speedy recovery. Cheers. KEV.

    1. Kev Robertson,

      Thanks for the excellent advice ... which I hope to take.

      All the best,


  2. Hi Bob,

    I hope you feel better and the TV selection should have kept you ticking over! I have not seen the Bridge at Remagen for ages so I must be due to watch it again although perhaps given my current 'distraction' Ice Cold in Alex or the Guns of Naverone may be more appropriate!

    Get well soon,


    1. David Crook,

      I am feeling a bit better this morning ,.. and intend to stay in and keep warm now that I have shifted the snowy weather gear from the garden store.

      Luckily the current offerings on the various film channels include some excellent war films ... including ICE COLD IN ALEX this afternoon! (I watched GUNS OF NAVERONE last week!)

      All the best,


  3. Hope you are feeling better today - we missed you at Cavalier. My report is up on my blog and I have dropped you an email about the day.

    1. I should, of course, put in a link...

    2. Mike Lewis,

      Thanks very much for your best wishes. I'm feeling a bit better today, but it will be several days before I am back to what passes for normal!

      I just received your email, and hope to look at your blog later this morning.

      All the best,


    3. Mike Lewis,

      Thanks for the link ... which I am just about to follow!

      All the best,


  4. Having been off for a week with 'flu, I feel for you Bob - get well soon and in the meantime plenty of hot drinks (with a tot of whisky added if desired) should help to see you right :)

    1. TamsinP,

      Thanks for the excellent advice. I wouldn't mind, but I have only just got over the virus I came down with just before Christmas.

      All the best,


  5. Sorry to hear you're unwell and had to miss Cavalier. I saw a couple of photographs of the Portable Wargame on the internet: it looked very good; I particularly liked the trees, which were simple yet very effective.
    Get well soon!

    1. Arthur Harman,

      I might have just about managed to get to and from Cavalier, but I suspect that the effort would have laid me really low, and I could have stayed ill for a lot longer.

      I've seen the photos of the PW game at Cavalier, and I was struck by how much it looked like one of Joseph Morschauser's games. With luck, I will be able to feature these photographs on my blog.

      All the best,


  6. Feel better, mate. The flu season here in the States has hit all of my friends hard - I wonder if we gave it to each other? In any event get back to life and feel better.

    1. CelticCurmudgeon,

      Many thanks. We've had a rather nasty virus doing the rounds in the UK since before Christmas, and I'd only just got over that ... and then I caught this cold. We now have snow predicted for the rest of the week, and I can't see me going out much for the next few days.

      All the best,


  7. A trick I picked up in while living in Japan is to always wash my hands and gargle once I came home. Being in close proximity to people, this was a good habit to get into.

    1. Irishhighlander,

      I always wash my hands when I return home, but I've never tried gargling as well. It is certainly worth trying if it helps to avoid colds etc.

      All the best,


  8. Bob The cold and the weather is God's way of telling you to stay home and do more painting!
    Dick Bryant

    1. Dick Bryant,

      I certainly would be doing some ... if my rotten cold would allow my eyes to focus better!

      All the best,


  9. Get well soon Bob
    hope you are feeling better
    I just caught the end of Where Eagles Dare and I remembered why I have always had a strange urge to paint a Ju-52 in Winter Camo
    Turns out it was nothing to do with Stalingrad ;)

    1. Geordie an Exile FoG,

      I felt somewhat better this morning, and this improvement has continued as the day has gone on. With luck I will feel even better tomorrow, and I can then look forward to doing something wargame-related.

      The Ju82m in winter camouflage does have a certain attraction, and I really ought to buy a model of one so that I can paint it accordingly.

      All the best,


  10. Sorry to hear that, Bob; not least because, on a thoroughly elfish note, I'd been very much looking forward to reading your Cavalier report!

    Hope you are feeling better soon, anyway.


    1. Prufrock (Aaron),

      I wish I had been well enough to go, as it sounds as if I missed quite a few interesting games.

      I feel a bit better today, having had a good night's sleep. Luckily this cold seems to be easier to cope with than the virus I had over Christmas.

      All the best,



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