

Thursday 15 March 2018

Operation Uranus: PDF of the rules is now available

I have converted the text of Martin Rapier's rules and his battle report into PDF format, and they are now available to read and download here.

Martin has kindly given his permission to also publish his Cambrai rules on my blog, and I hope to do that in the next few days. These were a development of his Operation Uranus rules and involved two German Infantry Divisions vs. British forces amounting to six Infantry Divisions, three Cavalry Divisions, six Heavy Artillery Brigades, and three Tank Brigades.


  1. Bob,
    Pleased to read your back in the Blogossphere- no more Internet troubles? Cheers. KEV.

    1. Kev Robertson,

      The Internet cable connection now seems to be functioning properly ... which is good for my blood pressure! I was getting very frustrated trying to access emails etc., using a link to the Internet from my laptop to my iPhone and thence via the 4G mobile phone network.

      All the best,


    2. Bob,
      Sounds awfully inconvenient- glad it is all OK now. Some while back I had a very slow ADSL service- now with 'Broadband' the service and reliability is excellent. A fair number of localities are not serviced by Fibre- and customers are still battling with the old ADSL. In terms of Internet Service - I'm Glad we live nearer to a major City. Cheers. KEV.

    3. Kev Robertson,

      The problem appears to have resulted from damage to the local Internet cable hub. We have heard varying stories about the cause, varying from water damage due to recent bad weather, vandalism, and even the theft of cable. Whatever the cause, it took three days for the problem to be completely fixed, and the loss of service affected quite a few people in our immediate area.

      All the best,


  2. Good to see a simple effective set of Operational rules, Bob. First person to get round to doing Stalingrad buys the drinks!

    Regards, Chris.

    1. Chris Kemp,

      There are more to come! Wait until you see the Battle of Cambrai rules.

      All the best,


    2. There was an excellent Stalingrad session at COW last year. Bang you're dead rules, area movement and iirc, week long turns.

    3. Martin Rapier,

      I missed that session ... more's the pity!

      All the best,



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