

Tuesday 10 April 2018

My latest book sales figures

I have just downloaded my most recent book sales figures from, and the results look like this:

Interestingly Amazon still do not appear to have sold any copies of LA ULTIMA CRUZADA (I know that at least three sales have been made), and I have now asked to find out why this discrepancy continues. It may well be that Amazon have not released the sales details (and also the income from those sales) to, but as the book has been on sale with them for nearly three months, I would have expected to see some sales included in the figures by now.

It is encouraging to see that THE PORTABLE WARGAME and DEVELOPING THE PORTABLE WARGAME continue to sell at a steady pace (increased sales of 54 and 32 respectively last month), and I hope that the next wargames book that I write will do as well.


  1. Bob,
    Interesting figures- you seen to be doing very well on your Portable Game books...I published a soft back book on Colonial wargaming back in 1984 selling all copies- the bulk of which went to the UK Mr Terrence Wise of 'Athena Books' was a great exercise and well worth the effort...I can see the advantages of LULU with on demand printing- a much better solution for you. Best wishes. KEV.

    1. Kev Robertson,

      Writing and selling books is a lot easier now than it was even five years ago. The ‘print on denand’ capability of people like and the advent of the eBook has changed things beyond all recognition. I would never have had sufficient spare cash to do what you did, but now the cost to the writer/publisher are within the grasp of most people.

      All the best,


  2. Stu Rat,

    That is an excellent suggestion ... and one that I will act upon as soon as I can.

    All the best,



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