

Friday 21 December 2018

Back in time for Christmas

Sue and I have just returned home from a cruise to Gibraltar, Spain, and Portugal.

We had a great time visiting Gibraltar, Cartagena, Ibiza, Valencia, Cadiz, and Lisbon (a nice mix of places we haven't visited before and ones we know well) ... but now we are back just in time for Christmas. I expect to be rather busy for the next few days, but with luck I should be able to write a blog entry about our cruise before Christmas.


  1. You'll be glad you didn't travel via Gatwick

    1. Jim Duncan,

      The one advantage of going everywhere by sea is the avoidance of airports!

      All the best,


    2. We've done a cruise twice flying to both of them.

      Barcelona for the Western Med and Port Canaveral for the Bahamas.

    3. Jim Duncan,

      My wife downright refuses to fly, hence the fact that we have always cruised to and from Southampton.

      I understand that some P&O passengers expecting to join a cruise in the Caribbean over Christmas are experiencing problems getting to Barbados and will have to join their ship at its next port-of-call. Returning cruisers are also having problems as most P&O flights from the southern part of England fly to and from Gatwick.

      All the best,


  2. Replies
    1. Geordie an Exile FoG,

      If I was wishing to be at all political, I could have billed my latest cruise as 'Bob Cordery - the Farewell European Tour'! We aren't planning to go on another cruise within the next one hundred days ... and who knows how BREXIT might affect our future ones.

      All the best,


  3. Welcome home. Just in time to be ready for Christmas.

    If you haven't seen it before, check this link about wargaming in France inc a group in Occupied Paris playing Napoleonic wargames with flats on a hex grid when not busy with their part in the resistance, and more.
    Petits Soldats Grands Victoires

    1. Ross Mac,

      Thanks for the link. The article is very interesting and I've made sure that John Curry (of the History of Wargaming project) has it as well.

      The use of hexagons before their 'introduction' by Avalon Hill is extremely interesting and shows that I have been following (even if unknowingly) in illustrious footsteps.

      As to Christmas preparations ... well we did the tree and decorations just before we went and Christmas lunch is already sorted out; it's just facing the mobs in the shops who are buying far too much food and drink that we have to cope with.

      I hope that you both have a great Christmas,

      All the best,



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