

Monday 23 March 2020

Nugget 325

The editor of THE NUGGET sent the latest issue to me over the weekend, and I have sent it to the printer. They have very little work on at the moment, and are running with a skeleton staff. As a result, they hope to print it later today and to have it ready for me to collect at some point tomorrow.

Assuming that there is not a total lockdown announced later today, I will endeavour to post THE NUGGET out as soon as I can BUT it is highly likely that this will be the last printed issue that will be appearing for some considerable time. In order to overcome this situation and to ensure that members still get their NUGGETs, I will be sending it (and subsequent issues) to all members via an email attachment. It will also be uploaded onto the Wargame Developments website. It is our intention that when the crisis is over, printed copies of the missing issues will be sent out by post.

If you have a spam filter on your emails, you might like to know that I will be sending the email from (Please remove the '-AT-' and replace with '@' if you have to add this email address to your list of permitted senders.)

Our message to all members is keep safe and keep well.

IMPORTANT: Please note that this is the seventh issue of THE NUGGET to be published for the 2019-2020 subscription year. If you have not yet re-subscribed, a reminder was sent to you some time ago. If you wish to re-subscribe using the PayPal option on the relevant page of the website, you can use the existing buttons as the subscription cost has not changed.


  1. Thanks Bob - very much looking forward to downloading it from the website.


    1. Simon,

      Looks like it will be there tomorrow morning.

      All the best,


  2. Bob: In this time of crisis one finds strange things both in the back of your cupboard (semi-edible) and in other 'curio corners' about the house; imagine my surprise whilst I was in the loft rummaging amongst my wargaming material, I came across the locked personal belongings of a certain Black Sheep relative of the family; the box was rusted and if the date on its side is to believed is well over 100 years old, prising it open revealed crumbling pages of manuscript, wrapped in what appears to woman's Arab headdress - I am currently in the process of transcribing it but it appears to me that the lady known to the family as Aunt Magareatha was really a disgraced officer from the King's Own Foot and Mouth who escaped the disaster that befell Gordon at Khartoum by nefarious means. Hopefully all can be revealed for Nugget 326.

    1. Geordie an Exiled FoG,

      I can hardly wait to read the real story of ‘Aunt Magareatha’s’ escape from Khartoum and subsequent apparent sex-change. I never knew that you had such an exotic family!

      All the best,



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