

Wednesday 17 June 2020

Other people's Portable Wargame battle reports

This morning, I suddenly realised that it was nearly a month since have I mentioned any of the PORTABLE WARGAME battles that have appeared on the PORTABLE WARGAME Facebook page, and here are a few examples of what people have been doing.

Barry Carter seems to have been using the rules for all sort of different periods, and has fought nine battles!

Polish-Lithuanians vs. Tartars.
Anglo-Zulu War.
Fantasy Elven Civil War.
A Very British Civil War: Fenian Invasion of Canada (Part 1).
A Very British Civil War: Fenian Invasion of Canada (Part 2).
Napoleonic battle.
Bactrians vs. Graeco-Italians.
The Pilgrimage of Grace.
World War II: Eastern Front.
Martin Smith has also been fighting quite a few battles.

Picts vs. Byzantines.
Alexander vs. Porus.
English Civil War.
Alan Saunders continued to fight his English Civil war battles, ...

... Martyn Simpson fought another Colonial action, ...

... and Jeff Butler had another foray into Fantasy.

New contributors included Dave Beagle, who used the rules for a Colonial action in East Africa between British and German troops ...

... and Jon Freeman, who is preparing to use the rules to re-fight World War I battles.

Writing this blog post has really whetted my appetite to fight some PORTABLE WARGAME battles of my own ... and once the current stage of my current World War Two project is completed, I hope to do so!

Please note that the photographs featured above are © Barry Carter, Martin Smith, Alan Saunders, Martyn Simpson, Jeff Butler, Dave Beagle, and Jon Freeman.


  1. Replies
    1. Tradgardmastare,

      I never cease to be amazed by the myriad ways that wargamers have taken my rules and used them.

      All the best,


  2. Thanks for sharing these to the non-Facebook audience (probably just me!). An amazing range of periods and styles.

    1. Maudlin Jack Tar,

      I like to ensure that the magnificent PORTABLE WARGAME battles put on by wargamers get the fullest exposure possible.

      All the best,


  3. Replies
    1. Adelaide Gamer,

      They are all inspirational, and hopefully show the range of battles wargamers can stage using the PORTABLE WARGAME rules.

      All the best,


  4. It's turning into a movement Bob! In the theme of Alice's Restaurant ... very well done!

    1. Geordie an Exiled FoG,

      I suspect that the lockdown has helped to spread the use of the PORTABLE WARGAME rules. They are ideal for quick games, and lend themselves to online gaming.

      All the best,


  5. Hello Robert,
    I have a question.
    I bought the portable wargame & developping TPW on lulu and my question is simple :
    When you are explaining your preferences on the hex sizes, is it from flat side to flat side or from from one angle to the opposite one ?
    Thanks in advance,

    1. Nikko,

      Thanks for buying my books.

      In answer to your question, I always measure hexes fro face to face (i.e. flat side to flat side).

      By the way, you might like to join the PW Facebook page and/or the io group. They can be found at here for Facebook and here for the io.Group. Both have files sections and other stuff that you might find useful.

      All the best,


    2. Thanks for the quick answer.
      I've put a request on the FB group.
      It's on my real Name Nicolas Duflot (France).

    3. Nikki,

      Your request has been approved.

      All the best,


  6. It just goes to show what a versatile and adaptable game system you have developed, Bob! It is always interesting to see what others have done with it.

    By the way I think I might have lit on a compromise system for naval/ combined ops c. 1875 that I'll try out over the next few weeks.


    1. Archduke Piccolo (Ion),

      Cheers! Rather like several other ‘simple’ wargame rules (e.g. DBA and HOTT), I hope that my rules give users the scope to do their own thing ... and it would seem that they are!

      I look forward to reading more about your combined operations system in the near future. I tried to cover something similar in my GNW book.

      All the best,



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